Saturday, April 30, 2011

Create Momentum for Greater Success

Nothing gets your home based business growing faster than momentum and excitement.

But how do you make that happen?

Here's a chance for all of us to exchange ideas and help one another move forward in a more dynamic way.  When you work alone, it's easy to get discouraged and slow down.  When you group together and pool your ideas and resources, great things can happen for everyone.  It's time to do that!

I'm reminded of my first introduction to Angie Ledohowski, pictured here.  I was trudging up "Garbage Hill" by the gym where I work out.  It's rather steep, so I was finding it difficult.

Then Angie went shooting past me, yelling encouragement, "Hey girl, you can do it!"  She had such energy and enthusiasm.  "Is it easier to run the hill?" I gasped.  "Absolutely!" she replied.  And so, I took a deep breath and started to run.  She was right.  It was easier.  When I began to run up the hill, others did too.  We spurred one another on to accomplish more.

What a lesson for building a business.  It's easier when we put more effort into it, and work with others to find creative ways to share the USANA vision.

Here are two ways to create momentum....please add your ideas and comments so everyone else can gain too.

1.  In any profession, you need to be learning constantly, so attend the weekly USANA presentations and trainings.  Bring guests when you can.  Those who attend and participate are the ones who move their businesses forward.  In our 16 years with USANA, we have yet to see someone reach Gold Director, who isn't committed to the greater team and the regular events.

Your team does what you do.  When you make the regular USANA nights important, they will too.  Meet for supper ahead of the meeting, or go for coffee afterwards.

2.  Create and attend special events. 

That's just a start.  There are so many ways that we can team up "on purpose" to help others experience the great USANA products and business opportunity.

Please participate and add your comments.  It's time to create momentum together!

Dave and Deanna Waters
USANA Diamond Directors, Independent Associates  1-204-237-8250
Create momentum for greater success.