Thursday, December 29, 2011

Success On Purpose Begins with a “Yes”

You can make excuses, or you can make a difference.   You can choose to see the negative in a situation or choose to see a positive opportunity to learn and even to benefit in some way.  It’s your choice.

Are you surrounded by people who pull you down, or do they elevate your attitude with positive thoughts and encouragement?  Spend more time with the ones who are excited about life and who see great possibilities for the present and future.

Sometimes our negative thinking comes from early childhood experiences in the home or school.  We don’t feel worthy or deserving of being wildly successful.  In fact, some of our friends and relatives might resent our success, so we hold back.  But will they pay our bills in the retirement years?  Make a decision today to say “yes” to opportunities and to expect great things to happen.

1.      As of today you won’t blame anyone from your past.  So who is in your life right now who gives you energy and encouragement?  

2.     Are you fully committed to being a positive influence on others and yourself?   Where will you start?

3.     What resources do you need to bolster your positive attitude?  Organizations.  Books.  Webinars.  DVD’s   CD’s  Prayer and Thanksgiving

4.       Are you ready right now to get the life you really want?  Are you willing to learn, to take direction and to jump out in faith with wholehearted effort?

Deanna Waters   Please call:  1-204-237-8250
Dedicated to Helping You Achieve Your Dreams
USANA Diamond Director, Million Dollar Club

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Three Surprising Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Are Successful

If someone were to ask you what makes an entrepreneur successful, you might list attributes like his or her intelligence, personal appearance, education, dedication and hard work.  While all of those qualities can be important, depending on the line of work, there are surprising forces in our lives that affect our success, outlined in a New York Bestselling book by Malcolm Gladwell, "Outliers, The Story of Success"

In which part of the year were you born and how did that affect your progress?  Did your birthday fall in the school calendar year where you were always the youngest and smallest in your class?  That decision by the education system could have affected your self esteem, always in "catch-up" mode, having to compete with older students.  If you were amongst the oldest and biggest, then you had the advantage both academically and physically.  

This aspect follows students all through the school years, and is particularly important when they try out for hockey, basketball or baseball. It's an interesting phenomenon to see that the majority of players on the Junior World Hockey Teams were born in the months of January, February and March, making them the oldest in their leagues at all stages of development.  As ones who exceled at each age level, they would have been favored for extra training and privileges.  

Success, says the author, results from a steady stream of advantages, including when and where you were born, what your parents did for a living, and the surrounding circumstances.

Since our daughters were born in the same year, nine months and three weeks apart, they could have started kindergarten in the same school calendar year.  We opted to hold the youngest back a year, so that she would be closer in age to her classmates.  On hindsight, it was a wise decision, since she excelled academically and in music, being on a level playing field.  

And being from the middle class, as pointed out by the author, we were very involved with our daughters' lives, reading with them, providing music lessons and extra support for whatever interested them.  They grew up expecting to graduate from university, with fulfilling careers, and they did.

What year were you born and what was happening in the world then?  In the case of people like Steve Jobs, born February 24, 1955,  Paul Allen, January 21, 1953, and Bill Gates, October 28, 1955, they were all born exactly as computers were just being introduced to the world and each had special opportunities in their teens to spend time on the first models.  Had they been born earlier or later, they may have missed the opportunity to be as creative and inventive as they were.  

What kind of opportunities were you given and did you take advantage of them?   When we look back on our lives, we see all kinds of opportunities that fell in our way.  Teachers who took a special interest in us, scholarships and part time jobs that allowed us to attend university, a chance to make a difference in the broadcast industry during its infancy.  

The opportunity to become entrepreneurs was presented to us at just the right time in our lives, when we were ready to work from home and enjoy time and financial freedom, free from the corporate structure.

The author says the key to success is whether a person has the strength and presence of mind to seize opportunities, whether they grew up in poverty or in a privileged home setting.  Read the Outliers to see how it fits into your world.

Deanna and Dave Waters
Seize the opportunity to be a successful entrepreneur.  Contact us for more information.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Five Reasons Entrepreneurs Reach Financial Freedom

Remember that parcel of land that you were offered 20 years ago, but you figured you couldn't afford it, and then it tripled in price within three years?  That happened to us and we've regretted it ever since, especially since the land is probably worth 10 or 20 times the amount today.

Back in 1971 we read a book by David Wilkerson that said to buy gold, which was $35 an ounce at the time, and also to store gold and silver jewellery, coins and silverware in your safety deposit box for the day when you have to use it to barter.  You already know that we didn't do that either, although we do have a few items stashed away at the bank.   We would be multi-millionaires today if we had taken out a second mortgage on our home to buy $50,000 worth of gold coins back then, and have solid financial freedom.

1So you already know from these examples that rich people are savvy about what is happening in the marketplace and they take action immediately.   That's number one, where they tune into trusted, well researched sources for advice, but also watch what's happening around the world to make their own decisions.  They know a good deal when they see it and they find a way to work it to their advantage.

2Once you stop working for someone else and you are your own boss, is the day you begin your journey to financial freedom.   Every dollar you earn is your own dollar to keep, invest, spend or give away to charity.  Being your own boss includes leasing only those items you can write off at tax time and buying the things that you can't lease.  In other words, don't work for the banks and the leasing companies, let your money work for you.

3.  With a job, you have a structured income,  perhaps including some perks like bonus plans or profit sharing.  When we stepped into entrepreneurship 16 years ago, we discovered the power of creating multiple streams of income, which is leveraged and residual, all without a ceiling on how much a person or business can earn.

4.  Those who declare that they don't like to sell, will be left behind, because everything in life is about selling, even if we call it something else.  Those who understand selling, assess all the reasons a person might say no, and then determine a plan to bring about a positive reaction that meets the customers needs and pocket book.

5.  Get personal and leave customers feeling good about their decisions.  When I was editor of a business journal, I noticed how the publisher immediately found common interests with a customer and established a good relationship in his conversations.  When they chose to advertise in the magazine, they made the decision happily, because the publisher had created a positive, feel good atmosphere.

So those are just five reasons entrepreneurs reach financial freedom, although there are many more to discuss in the future.

Deanna Waters
USANA Global Leader, Independent Associate
Experience Success as an Entrepreneur with us.
Call 1-888-320-8250

Friday, December 16, 2011

Kevin Guest: How Will USANA Enrich Your Life?

"Why should you partner with Usana?" was the question posed by Kevin Guest, the company's President of North America.  He is also responsible for the opening of Belgium, France and the rest of Europe, beginning in 2012.

Kevin shared how his father always brought him up to "do good" in life, whatever his career choice.  For him, USANA is the ultimate choice for doing good, providing the opportunity for people around the world to benefit from top quality products and the highest paying business plan in the industry.

USANA provides the opportunity to make your own health better, to be about good work, and to help others enjoy financial freedom with their own USANA home based business.

"We can't change lives without being in the relationship and people-attraction business," he said.  "We're all on a journey where we need to take risks and throw aside whatever is holding us back from reaching our greatest potential."

What a great time to be in USANA if you have a big, big vision for your life and want to bring value to the lives of others!  Here's the listing Kevin shared with us, of recent and 20 year track accomplishments, amongst them being chosen in an article in Forbes Magazine as one of the top 5 pick companies for stock investments in 2012.

.  Almost $600 million in sales this past year
.  1.75 billion in commissions and bonuses to Associates over the past 20 years  (Yes, you can earn a lucrative income with USANA)
.  USANA has the highest payout percentage of profitable, reporting companies in the industry.

.  USANA is listed in the top 25 worldwide of all network marketing companies
.  From 2004 to 2011 USANA has posted a steady growth curve of 12% ... an enviable record.

USANA will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year at its International Convention in Salt Lake City this August 14 - 18, where many exciting introductions will be announced, so you will want to be there.  And all through the year, new incentives, products and programs will be rolled out, to bring even greater value to customers and Associates.  USANA will no doubt continue its steady growth curve, so you can sit back and watch it happen, or you can play an active part in the excitement and help make it happen.

Join our Success on Purpose Team to Change Lives for the Better.
Would you like a piece of that billion dollar profit?
Deanna and Dave Waters
USANA Global Leaders, Diamond Directors, Independent Associates

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Financial Freedom With Reduced Taxes and Increased Benefits

While others are doing with less and coping with a reduced income, you could be enjoying more benefits in life, with lower taxable income and more money in your savings portfolio.  This is the avenue to financial freedom enjoyed by those who are in the top 3% of earners in North America.

Consider the benefit of attending conferences at home and even around the world, to increase your earning capacity, while writing all or a portion of the expenses off because of your home based business.  Ask your accountant about the many tax benefits in your area, by establishing a viable home based business.

Work from home in a relaxed atmosphere, free of corporate determined hours, deadlines and meetings.  Think of the savings in your clothing budget, less meals at restaurants, and daily travel expenses to and from your place of work.  Imagine instead, spending each day in your sweatsuit, taking 30 seconds to walk to your office and meeting with contacts by phone or online, and then writing off many of the normal expenses included with a home based business.

Financial freedom with a home based business is a wise choice for those who understand multiple streams of income, whether this is achieved on a part time or full time basis.  A USANA home based business in particular, allows you to redirect your spending from the super market to your own business, while reducing your taxable income and creating an automatic, international source of income.

This world renowned company, provides a home based opportunity that is not only an excellent way to financial freedom for you, but for your family as they inherit your USANA business.

Please contact us to discuss how you can experience this kind of freedom with the Success on Purpose team.

Deanna Waters, USANA Global Leader, Independent Associate
Dedicated to Your Time and Financial Freedom

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

USANA: Be Your Own Boss To Control The Direction of Your Life

 Stepping into business ownership is becoming more and more common, with the onset of job losses and economic hardship.

The challenge to be the boss of your own business, is often pursued in order to gain greater control over your time and finances.  If that scares you, entrepreneurship has many unique advantages.  Work for a paycheck with someone else, and you give away that control.   

Your employer determines your hours, income, commission checks, place of work.  From my experience, an employer directs when you'll take a vacation, lunch and coffee breaks.  There's very little room for compassion or flexibility when facing family issues that require your time and input.

With your own USANA home-based business you have the freedom to drive the kids to school, coach their soccer teams, be home when they are ill, help a friend move during the day, and golf whenever you want.

Apparently 94% of rich people own their own businesses, with the taking of responsible risks considered a necessary ingredient for creating massive success.  The average net worth of self-employed people was an impressive $1.3 million, more than six times the net worth of the average worker, according to the Franklin Prosperity Report.

Be your own boss and you take on the responsibility for building a strong business.  The rewards for being willing to learn continually, improve as you progress, bounce back from mistakes, and drive through the tough times, are well worth it.

With a USANA home-based business, you are supported by one of the best management teams and scientific departments in the industry.  Marketing materials, webinars, seminars, conventions, local events, all provide an opportunity to be financially free.

Deanna Waters, USANA Global Leader
USANA Million Dollar Club Member, Independent Associate
Are you ready for financial freedom?  Do you want to direct your own time?
Let's talk!   1-888-320-8250

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Three Things That Propel You to Prosperity.

 It's not always intelligence,  exceptional talent, knowing the right people or having financial resources, that determine a person's road to prosperity.  Instead, it's often something much more personal.

1.  Passion/Emotional Involvement

This sweet newborn is one of the reasons we are thankful for good health and time and financial freedom.  It's so important to spend time with him without the pressure of corporate demands.   We are so deeply in love with little Jayden, that we appreciate being able be with him at every opportunity.

The residual income developed in network marketing, and in particular, with USANA Health Sciences, and a home-based business, opens that vista to control your own hours and choices.   What's the passion that drives you to pursue greater financial freedom?

2.  Focus

When you work from home, there are many distractions that can pull you away from your goals, from your action plans and your daily work schedule.  It's imperative to chart your daily activities, such as determining when you'll check for phone messages, when you'll participate in social online marketing, and when you'll make follow up calls.  Write out in detail your 90 day, 6 month, one year and 5 year goals, to avoid being side tracked.

3.  Team Effort.

While your own achievements count highly towards your time and financial freedom, greater success always comes to those who are masters at encouraging the best from others as well.  With our USANA home-based business, we've witnessed how those who build a strong team of leaders, generate the greatest level of financial freedom.

So what's on our schedule for the week?  If we don't answer when you call, we might just have baby Jayden on our agenda at the moment, but we'll get back to you promptly.

Deanna and Dave Waters, USANA Global Leaders
Are you ready for greater time and financial freedom?
Every day counts.  Call 1-888-320-8250   Independent Associates

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Don't Work for Money, Just for the Money

 When looking for a good job, one of the first questions a person often asks is, "Is this worth my while?  Do you value my skills and experience?  How much will I be paid?"  

Not as many job applicants ask, "What value can I contribute to your organization that would make it worth your while to hire me?"

As an entrepreneur, in the same vein, when you set your goal to achieve financial freedom, you won't reach it if you just center on how much you're going to get in return for your efforts.  The very rich report that your aim needs to be on creating value for others, and the money will follow.

Centering on your own goals to make money, can lead to deception, pressure tactics and insensitivity, which are quickly exposed, with disastrous results.

Instead, money comes to those who first offer value for products or services, that meet the needs of a particular market and truly enhance other people's lives.

For example, with your company, you can center on manipulating people to order your products or services, without first determining what the best decision would be for them.  The result with that approach is a short-lived transaction, with disappointment on both sides, and consequently, immediate income without a lasting relationship and sales.

 Never do anything just for the money, ever.  Instead, find something you love to do that offers society something valuable, and the money will follow, especially as you develop your skills for effective listening and marketing.

Deanna Waters,  USANA Global Leader  Independent Associate
Dedicated to Offering Value for Your Health and Financial Freedom
It would be a privilege to chat with you soon!   1-888-320-8250

Monday, November 28, 2011

Friendships Are A Global Benefit At USANA

How important are your friendships and where do they come from?  Do you realize that people who have a variety of close friends, enjoy better health?  It can even affect your financial freedom.

Prior to becoming Associates with USANA Health Sciences, some 16 years ago, our friends were mainly from our church circle.   There were a few as well from various companies, but we had little in common beyond business.

You see me here with Therese Dandeneau, a friend and member of our Success on Purpose USANA team.  We first met her through another team member, and now we count Therese and her husband Bob as good friends.  Because we all care about our health and want to encourage others to be proactive with theirs as well, we have much in common.  She happens to be musical, so we share that interest as well.

During our travels to USANA conferences, cruises and speaking engagements, we've gained friends from around the globe.  It feels good for the soul to have their support, and to support them in return.  We are constantly learning from our friends and feel we are becoming better people because of them.

Cherish your friendships.  Cultivate them.  Make a new friend on a regular basis. 

Deanna Waters, USANA Global Leader
Meet new friends with the Success on Purpose team

Winnipeg. Why is Second Place Considered a Failure?

If the Canadian Grey Cup football final game was an Olympic event, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers would have received the silver medal.  We would consider them winners who were privileged to try for the gold.  The team would return home to an enthusiastic, group hug, recognizing worthy competitors.

However, even with the Olympics, people do tend to glorify and remember only the Gold medal winners.  Being number two in the world just doesn't receive the same reward; it's a step lower on the podium.

The Winnipeg Blue Bombers were playing with Success on Purpose for the season, resulting in a first place standing for the Eastern Division, compared to last place the year before.  That was a gold medal, however short lived, with great rejoicing and anticipation, even though people knew that one of the teams in the battle between East and West, would have to settle for the silver medal.

Why is second place considered a failure?  People who run marathons are considered heroes just for participating and reaching the finish line.  

In business, we can't all be number one and it doesn't really matter.  With a Success on Purpose attitude, each day gives us a new opportunity to have a successful appointment, a new sale, a developing business relationship, a fresh learning experience.  In fact, it's a privilege and a reason to celebrate, just to be in the game.

Deanna Waters, Global USANA leader
Dedicated to Team Building for Greater Health and Finances
We'd love to hear from you!  1-888-320-8250  Independent Associate

Friday, November 25, 2011

How the WE Campaign Can Move Your Business Forward

The WE Campaign in Winnipeg, has generated massive attention and action, encouraging everyone to be more other-oriented and to multiply their efforts for greater impact.

Accomplishments through a group effort have pioneer roots; that's how North America was explored and inhabited.  

My grandparent's farm was built by neighboring farmers coming together to build the barn, chicken koop and farmhouse.  Then, they all welcomed the next farm family with a barn raising as well, and cold cellars packed with food.

When we built our home in Winnipeg, friends appeared one day to help paint all the rooms and hallways.  Then they celebrated their achievements over beer and turkey dinner. 

How does the WE approach relate to your success?  We've seen the strength of teamwork in our USANA business.  

One person's energy is multiplied by the group to achieve more than any one person could even imagine.  In our case, we have a deep desire to bring a better standard of health to others, not just for the short term, but for their entire lives.  Consequently, the health of thousands is affected as more people catch that vision and pass it on.

For those who want it, we also help them leverage their time and effort as a team, to build an income without limits.

Our only regret is that we didn't know about the network marketing industry and USANA sooner.  WE works.

Deanna and Dave Waters   Global USANA Leaders
Join us for the edge on your health and financial wellness

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to Win Beyond the Wavering Stock Market and Take Control

It can be depressing to watch the stock market suffer due to the European debt crisis.  Watch your stocks go up and down daily with the latest news.  This does not lead to financial freedom, but rather financial stress and even failure.

Closer to your doorstep is the U.S. crisis, hanging on the success of the Congressional Supercommittee, which can't come to agreements on pretty well every issue.  The stock market was reeling again today.  As the economy falls, so do jobs and businesses.

How can you take control of your own financial future?  Many options are being suggesterd, including purchase of gold, silver and other precious metals.

Let me suggest a more viable option.

Leveraged, residual income through network marketing, in particular with USANA Health Sciences.  
Now, you don't just sit and hope your income grows, like you would with a stock.  It takes consistent effort to build a team of like-minded entrepreneurs, who value their health and their financial freedom.

Is it worth the dedication required, to sleep peacefully at night, knowing your finances are in order and growing?  Are you proactive about your health, enough to take action with your supplementation, weight management and attention to food choices?

We want to share our secrets with you, for creating financial freedom and optimal health.  Join our Success on Purpose blog for regular updates.  Even better, contact us now to become a USANA Asso ciate and member of the Success on Purpose team.

Deanna and Dave Waters, Global USANA Leaders
Want more success in your life?  Take action today!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

USANA Beats the Lottery Odds

One of the lottery winnings for this week across Canada is $40 million.  What are your odds for winning that jackpot? Infitismal, and even less if you don't buy a ticket.

Others gamble in casinos, where the owners realize millions every week, and most participants head home with change .

Just like the above, you have to actually participate with USANA to see million dollar results.  There are 170 dedicated Associates who have earned one million dollars and more with the company.  

It took us 8 years to earn our first million with USANA, while others on our team have accomplished that in four years, and yet others took 10 years.  When you play to succeed with USANA, your odds for financial freedom surpass those of a lottery ticket or a casino game.

Along with the earnings, come tax benefits from owning a USANA home-based business, more vibrant health and an exciting lifestyle.

Don't gamble; trust your life to USANA instead.   Join our Success on Purpose Team and begin your own journey to financial freedom.

Deanna and Dave Waters, Global USANA Leader
Members, USANA Million Dollar Club
Contact us now:  1-888-320-8250

Friday, November 18, 2011

How Does Boxing Shadow Business Success?

"El Gallo" José Antonio Rivera, a USANA sponsored athlete and three-time world champion boxer, inspired us when we shared the stage with him in the Boston area recently.  He continues to push us forward mentally, as we witness his dedication and positive toughness.

With boxing added to my workouts at the gym, I'm seeing some of the similarities between that sport and business acumen.

Have you noticed that boxers have "dancing feet" to keep their opponents off guard and to be super flexible and ready to attack from any angle?

That's like a business leader being ready to spring from on top of his or her desk to meet a rapidly changing market.

Boxers employ strategic manoeuvers with their jabs, crosses and undercuts.  They assess their opponent by the second, and deliver deciding blows.  In the business arena, we might call it brilliant vision with a twist that surprises the competition.

Mental toughness is paramount for world class boxers and business leaders.

According to José, daily optimal supplementation with USANA, is a priority to achieve maximum, champion output.   

Financial freedom and achievement in any area of your life and mine, are waiting "in the ring" as we go forward with a boxer's determination to dominate and win.

Deanna Waters,  USANA Global Leader
Join our Success On Purpose Team
Call 1-888-320-8250

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Climbing the Ladder to Success Takes Persistence, Dedication

Financial freedom, financial security, financial success, or whatever else you call freedom from financial stress, doesn't come easy for most of us.

It's daily input, which, like this Jacobs Ladder, sometimes feels like you are working hard but not getting anywhere.

However, just like this particular gym equipment, you're working your muscles, toning up, and making yourself stronger, even when it might not show at the time.  Develop a long term vision for what you want to accomplish.

This particular exercise at the gym is not my favorite choice, because it requires more stamina than I sometimes want to expend.   The same goes for various activities in building a strong business.  Many people procrastinate and say they don't like to sell.   But they are selling themselves every day in some way.  They might have to spend more time developing their sales abilities so that it comes easier.  (The ladder does get easier as you become more familiar with it.)

Are you procrastinating with something that would make a huge difference to your business?  Get on that ladder to success and practice until your sales muscles are stronger.....or whatever part of your business needs strengthening.

Deanna Waters   USANA Global Leader
Join our Success On Purpose Team and Grow On Purpose 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

#Financial Freedom. What's your Why?

The difference between those who achieve their goals in life, and those who don't, can often be tracked to their "why".   What drives leaders to take action, and to push through the challenges that will inevitably threaten their progress?

Kevin Guest, President for North America with USANA Health Sciences, shared with us on a conference call this week, four areas he has discovered if you want to be successful in life and achieve financial freedom.

1.  Life tests us for our level of commitment to act.  Constant and consistent effort can move mountains.  Rewards come when you take action until you achieve what you set out to do.

2.  Our rewards are in exact proportion to our service.  In the case of USANA, we are serving others for their health and their financial well being.

3.  What do you radiate as a leader?  Set an example and duplicate this with others.

4.  Judge each day by the seeds you plant, not by your harvest.  You need to over plant to get the crop you want.  Put your fears aside and start with small bites of activities.  Consider the potential of the seeds you plant.

Have you written down your "whys"?  Are they big enough to propel you into constant and consistent action?  Do they drive you to plant lots of seeds for a plentiful harvest?

Contact me to explore this further.
Deanna Waters  1-888-320-8250 USANA Diamond Director 
USANA Health Sciences, Independent Associate

Thursday, October 20, 2011

X Factor Contestants Share Heart Wrenching Stories

Where there is little hope for winning 5 million dollars, there is a more sure way to achieve financial freedom. 

A home-based business with USANA could answer many of their needs.

When we watched the latest episode of the X Factor talent reality show, we were struck by the difficult circumstances many of the contestants are facing.  One of the 16 finalists lives out of his car.  Another, who just missed the top 16, is facing his home being put in foreclosure within the month and he only earns $200 a week to feed a family of four.  One of the groups left their jobs and sold everything they had to compete for one of the top 16 spots, but left destitute.

This is the reality facing many Americans during these difficult economic times.  And right here in Winnipeg, we are aware of talented, smart people who are totally dependent on relatives for their daily needs.  Good jobs are in short supply as a person gets older.

The hope that we have witnessed for these kinds of circumstances is offered through a home-based business with the network marketing model.  It's like we're going back to the pioneer days, when people teamed up to build one another's barns and plow the fields, so that everyone could prosper.  That's the network marketing model.  It's a team effort where everyone has the same opportunity for financial freedom, achieved through combined efforts.

It took us 14 months with USANA, to escape the corporate world and taste financial freedom.  Ask us how we did it.

Dave and Deanna waters

Saturday, October 8, 2011

No Ceiling for Women Who Work From Home

"No Ceiling on your income," is the most common promise for women who are courageous enough to start a home-based business.  You seldom hear that phrase in the normal corporate world.   

In fact, my experience at management levels, was that my income was very closely monitored, with little chance for big leaps forward.  Stock options, a management bonus and profit sharing, sweetened the pot, but financial freedom was hard to achieve.

So, how does a smart woman, or man, gain a greater sense of freedom financially?  That's where network marketing comes in.  When you choose a proven, solid company like USANA, with outstanding products and compensation plan,  there is no limit on your income.  

With your own home-based business, approaching it professionally every day, there is the opportunity to create ongoing, leveraged income, and to help others achieve the same.

Within 14 months with my USANA home-based business, I doubled my corporate income and closed the door on programmed hours and income.   Nothing matches the freedom of planning your own days and evenings, working with the people you choose, and building your finances, even internationally, from your laptop, ipad or iphone.

Are you ready to work from home and enjoy a whole new sense of freedom?

Deanna Waters
USANA Global Leader
Let's talk!

Friday, September 30, 2011

#Retirement. Can You Really Live On CPP?

Robert Kiyosaki, author of the famous Rich Dad, Poor Dad series, says,  "Don't be Fooled Again.  I've been saying this for years:  There is no longer such a thing as a safe and secure job."  Success From Home magazine, September, 2011 Vol 7 Issue 10

This is a warning also, that there is no safe and secure retirement, without careful planning.  Can you really live on what the government provides at age 65?  Not unless others are supporting you too.  Financial freedom requires ingenuity.

Plan B, found in Kiyosaki's book, The Business of the 21st Century, encourages entrepreneurship with a solid network marketing company.

When we graduated from university back in our 20's, we fully expected to retire rich at age 50.  Why not?  We were smart and creative.

Retirement did come early for Dave in his early 50's when the corporation eliminated his position.  That's when our financial advisor introduced us to USANA (featured in Success From Home magazine this month).  Freedom 55 became a reality.    

Fourteen months after Dave took early retirement, I was able to leave my job as well (the government was talking about eliminating our organization, so it was excellent timing.)  By then, our income with USANA was double what I was paid as Executive Director of Take Pride Winnipeg, so it was easy to transition to entrepreneurship, time freedom and unlimited income possibilities.

Contact us to taste financial and time freedom too, with USANA.   Plan ahead, whether you are 20, 35, 45, 67 or beyond.  There's life beyond CPP (Canadian Pension Plan).

Deanna Waters
Experience Healthy Finances, Healthy Lives and Healthy Homes

Thursday, September 29, 2011

@Oprah - How To Jet Propel To The Next Level

Whether it is for better financial security, wellness, tax advantages or personal relationships, you might be looking for a breakthrough.

Read the October issue of O, the Oprah Magazine for 9 ways to change old patterns and spark new breakthroughs. Pages 186-189.

As a teaser, here are the headings:
Go Public.  Join the Club.  Confront the risks.  When in Doubt, DIY, Rely on the Kindness of Strangers.  Know your Strengths.  Spread the Word.  Cultivate Wonder.  Embrace your Critics.

Curious? I am always impressed with the Oprah Magazine.  Buy a copy now.  It's not just for women.  The articles are practical and inspiring, appropriate for all ages, genders and situations.

Breakthroughs:  In my work with USANA, I find that people are open to developing other streams of income to secure their financial security.  They also want a greater degree of wellness, where I can help them develop a wellness plan tailored to their goals and health challenges.  

Everyone wants more tax advantages, which are available through having a home-based business with USANA, while securing your own wellness program.

And we all aspire to healthy personal relationships.  On our part, it really helped our marriage to have a common goal with our USANA business.  We travel together, enjoy the same friends, and are building our financial and wellness goals together.

Please contact us for breakthrough ideas.
Join our team.  We'd love to hear from you!
Deanna Waters, USANA Independent Associate
Diamond Director, Million Dollar Club
1-888-320-8250 toll-free 1-204-237-8250 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

@Denis Waitley: Don't Procrastinate, Get Out of the Gate!

"Good time management allows you to maximize the daily return on the energy and mental effort you expend."

That's the encouragement in an article in the September, 2011 issue of Success From Home magazine.  Denis Waitley is one of America's most respected authors, keynote lecturers and productivity consultants on high-performance human achievement.

Denis is often the keynote speaker at USANA events worldwide.

Here are the main points from Denis - read the full explanation of each point in the Success From Home magazine:

1.  Take five minutes to I.D. what you are putting off.

2.  Look at your list of tasks, and do one of them right now.

3.  If getting started is the hard part for you, set a designated time in the day to work on the list.

4.  Don't worry about perfection.  What counts is quality of effort.

5.  If what you are putting off involves other people, consult with them.

6.  If you fear the consequences associated with the action you've been avoiding, ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that could happen if I did this today?"

7.  Vividly picture how you'll feel once the task is done.

Deanna and Dave Waters, Usana Diamond Directors
Fans of Denis Waitley
Dedicated to Helping Others Achieve Financial Freedom
Contact us now!   1-888-320-8250 toll-free

Success From Home Magazine Features USANA for Health and Financial Success

 Dr. Peter Rugg, MD FACEP Internal and Emergency Board Certified, Chairman of the USANA Scientific Advisory Council and his wife Patti, with José Antonio Rivera, Former WBA Welterweight Champion, Deanna and Dave Waters, USANA Diamond Directors, all speakers at an event in Boston.  USANA has truly changed our lives!

"How USANA is Helping People Create a Better World"

That's the announcement on the cover of Success From Home magazine, September, 2011 edition.

Today was so beautiful outside, that I took a few hours to sit down on our riverbank to read the stories of people from all walks of life who are experiencing vibrant health and greater financial freedom with USANA.  It makes me so grateful for all that USANA has provided for us as well.

What does financial freedom and optimal health mean to you?

I think back sixteen years ago, when we were both busy in the corporate world, myself as Director of Marketing for Economic Development, and Dave as a National Director/Producer at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 

We were away from home for long hours, limited to how much we could earn, stressed out and had little time for one another or our family and friends.  Was this why we went to university? To work for someone else the rest of our lives, with the possibility of a 3% raise each year?

That wasn't financial freedom.  That was financial limitation.  And that lifestyle was affecting our health in a negative way.

Then our financial advisor presented us with USANA for our health as well as the way to create a source of residual income.  He knew that when the products made a difference for us, we're the kind of people who would want others to experience that too.  He was right.

Within 14 months, we were both free of the corporate rat race and enjoying our new found health, working from home....and now from our ipads and  cell phones anywhere in the world.  Talk, text, Skype, and e-mail are revolutionizing the way people spread the word about USANA.

Read "Success From Home" and be inspired to look seriously at USANA to seriously improve your health and financial freedom longterm.

Deanna Waters....Join our dedicated team!
Inspired to Make a Difference
1-888-320-8250  toll-free 1-204-237-8250

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Plan Ahead for Lifelong Health and Wealth

Degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease, Diabetes and arthritis are all too common today, for all age groups.

Are you aware that optimal supplementation can bolster your cells to help ward off these problems and even reverse some of the damage?

In the same way, the economy is whittling away at people's incomes and often robbing them totally, due to downsizing and business failures.  Good jobs are in short supply.  So, when it comes to retirement, people may have only what the government provides, and that's not much to live on.

Having a Plan "B" in a number of ways is essential today.  Many people are investing in real estate and precious metals.  Others, like myself, are creating other streams of income through relationship marketing.

This form of financial security is created with a team effort, resulting in ongoing, residual income, where everyone has the same opportunity to be successful, especially as we work together.

So, do you have a Plan B for your health and wealth?

My goal is to help others be proactive about their health with the scientific, award-winning, natural USANA product line.  

For those who understand the power of multiple streams of income, I help them develop a steady, residual income with USANA, that can far surpass their "job" income when they build seriously.

I especially enjoy working with people who have leadership skills and who have a bigger vision for their lives, with a goal to making a difference in the lives of others.

Contact me today to begin your Plan B (or A) for your health and finances!

Deanna Waters  1-888-320-8250
USANA Million Dollar Club, Fortune 100 top earner worldwide Independent Associates

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Avoid Lost Luggage, Frustration

Have you ever been left standing at the luggage carousel, with all the bags accounted for but yours?  It's happened to me.  Follow these easy travel tips.

What can you do to avoid losing your bag?  And what can you do to get it back sooner?

I'm drawing from a recent article in the Winnipeg Free Press by Ron Pradinuk, plus from my own experiences.

1.  Make a list as you pack, of everything in each of your bags and the approximate overall value.  Don't include expensive jewellery.  Keep that list with your carry on luggage.  Include your travel itinerary/hotel information in each bag and your mobile number so that airport staff can locate you easily if your bag is misrouted.

2.  Put a colorful handle on your bags, ribbons or something that will make it easier for the airport personell to identifiy your bag.  Photograph your bags, plus the inside when they are packed.

3.  Don't check your bags on the street.  Take them inside to avoid one more way they can get misplaced.

4.  Carry on or wear items that you absolutely must have at your destination.  For instance, I pack my formal wear in the carry-on as it is harder to replace quickly.  I wear something on the flight that I could wear to meetings, with  mix and match items in the carry-on.

5.  Don't have your home address on luggage tags that can be seen.  You can include that on hidden tags or inside the bag.

6.  Remember not to include any solutions in your carry-on bag, as this bring delays.  Carry medications, skin care items etc.  in a small, clear plastic bag that can be seen and approved. Then you can put it in the smaller bag.

Happy Travelling!

Deanna Waters  (Photo of Dave Waters in Peru)
Dedicated to Healthy Homes, Healthy Bodies and Healthy Finances
We'd love to hear from you.   1-888-320-8250
USANA Independent Associates, Diamond Directors

Monday, July 18, 2011

Having Fun In Sales Leads to a Yes: Robert Herjavec

If you are truly driven to win, you'll have fun.   That's the extra ingredient that brings in business, according to best selling author of Driven and Co-Star of CBC's Dragon's Den and ABC's Shark Tank.

"Good salespeople love the challenge of preparing a sales presentation," he writes.  "They review the customer's situation, assess the needs, match their product or service to the needs, find a way of emphasizing the value and ask for the order."  But that's not all.

You may have noticed yourself when you are the buyer, you don't remember the exact words that took place in the conversation, but you do remember how you felt about the transaction.  It's the feelings that we remember so vividly.

"Leaving them feeling good is a giant step towards closing a sale," writes Herjavec.

Selling is always about building relationships. Sometimes that happens quickly and other times its built over many years.

Here's something we've all heard before:  People deal with you because they know you, they like you and they trust you.  The fact that they also have a fun experience with you, makes the transaction more likely.

Deanna and Dave Waters
USANA Diamond Directors
When you love what you do, you can't help but have fun.
204-237-8250  USANA Independent Associates

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kiyosaki Says Continuing Financial Education is the Key to Success

I've just finished reading Unfair Advantage by RobertT. Kiyosaki, author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series plus his book that recommends that everyone should have a network marketing business,The Business School, and the one he wrote with Donald Trump, Why We Want You To Be Rich.

I've read them all and I'm still not rich!   Well, actually I am.  After flying by small plane into the refugee camps in Uganda with the Children's Hunger Fund and USANA, to visit people who have lived there for 25 years without running water, proper sewage systems or electric lights, I soon realized that yes, I am rich.

 So, we all have a different definition of what it means to be rich.  Just to be loved, to have enough food to eat and a decent place to live, would be absolute richness for a great proportion of the world.  Most of us would be in the top 10% of the richest people in the world.  Hard to imagine, isn't it?

But let's look beyond that, to what authors like Kiyosaki and Donald Trump are talking about.  It's that elusive goal to be in greater control of our lives for our time, and without limits on our income.  Perhaps we'd like to have more income in order to to give more and to help more people in the world.  In fact, those who help the most people with their businesses, make the most money.  We are all in the service industry.

What creates this success?   In Unfair Advantage, Kiyosaki sums it up:  "Success takes an investment in time, dedication, and sacrifice.  This is true education.  It is a process.  Most people are not rich because they want money without sacrifice."

His book is really worth reading.  It's making me reassess how we invest our income and whether we are putting enough creative and sacrificial energy into it.  Also, since we are people of faith, are we praying about our business and asking for wisdom?  And of course, the most success is created with a team effort of many people working together for the good of all.

This is why Kiyosaki attributes success to continuing financial education....and in fact, continuing education on selling and many other topics.  To keep your business and your finances growing, you need to keep growing yourself as well.   The faster you grow, the faster your business grows.

Deanna Waters,  USANA Diamond Director, Independent Associate
 Determined to keep growing and to helping others do the same!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prime Minister Stephen Harper Declares 2011 The Year of the Entrepreneur

"Be the Boss"  "Become An Entrepreneur"

Those were the signs at the front of the room when The Minister of Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade for Manitoba, Peter Bjornson, spoke at a gathering to acknowledge the province's commitment to 2011 as The Year of the Entrepreneur.

First established by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Manitoba is the fifth province to take part in this program.  

As a former entrepreneur himself, Minister Bjornson encouraged people to "chase your dreams" recognizing it will take hard work and commitment.

There are 102,000 small businesses in Manitoba, comprising 97% of all businesses, creating one third of all jobs.  There are 2.3 million Canadians who are self employed or business owners.

"Entrepreneurship is driving our economy, recovery and prosperity," said the Minister.  "Opportunity lies at home."

There were many strategic partners present at the gathering, all in support of entrepreneurship.

As an entrepreneur myself, along with my husband, for the past 16 years, we know the amazing freedom that comes with owning your own business.  The consistent attention to growing and maintaining the business is well worth the effort.

In our case, we have the opportunity to help others become entrepreneurs as well, providing support as they take that step.  For many, this is a "Plan B" should their regular job or other business take a downturn.  And for many, entrepreneurship becomes their full time income and passion.

So, whether you live in Canada or not, make 2011 Your Year To Become An Entrepreneur.  Step out and chase your dreams.

Deanna Waters, Global Leader and Entrepreneur
USANA Health Sciences, Independent Associate
Questions?  Ready to Take the Leap?

Monday, June 27, 2011

What Does It Take To Be Successful?

  Here's a great article by N. Michael Fernandes:

 What does it take to be successful - 6 Factors

This blog is a short one…

What does it take to be successful? Let’s make a quick list…

1. Motivation – call it a dream, call it a vision or call it a “chip on your shoulder”. Doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s that inner (or outer) “voice” that keeps telling you that something must be done.

2. Initiative – you can’t win if you don’t play. Everybody daydreams of glory of some kind or another. How many people have the courage and drive to take action on those daydreams?

3. A solid,  but flexible/adaptable, Plan of Attack – Some people/teams like very detailed plans with “SMART” goals and clear accountabilities and lists…lots and lots of lists. Others have a certain disdain for that sort of thing and prefer to be more “entrepreneurial” and/or fly be the seat of their pants but even they have some concept of how they’ll move forward.

4. Practice and preparation – Even the fly by the seat of their pants type get better at what they do with preparation. After all, experience and “street smarts” are developed through practice.

5. Fight – Regardless of how good your plan is, if you’re not willing or able to fight it out in the trenches (execute your plan) you won’t be successful.

6. Luck/Fortune/Fate – Generally speaking, for every winner, there must be a “loser”. Fortune, whether good or bad, always plays a role too.

Don’t believe me? Watch tonight’s game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals (NHL hockey) and remember that each of the individual athletes was once a child at the local ice rink just learning to skate. Further, at the start of this season, both of these teams started with 0 wins, just like all the other teams they both knocked out of the competition earlier. Which team will be the one to capture glory? It will depend largely on the 6 factors listed above, no?

And by the way, it's not just about hockey or sports. Consider these 6 factors in any pursuit of success, from business, to art to environment, to social goals. It's the same factors, just a different context.

How is your organization/business doing in the context of these 6 factors? More importantly, what will you do about it?

Now I have to go…the game is about to start!

PS Regardless of who “wins”, I have a lot of respect for all of these athletes, coaches and the team people behind the scenes.
Visit: for more from Mike Fernandes.
Deanna Waters (Board Member, Winnipeg Entrepreneur Exchange)
USANA Global Leader

Monday, June 6, 2011

Eight Leadership Strengths for Success in Network Marketing

1.  Your mission is to make someone else's life better.  Center on them.  Ask what is important to them, what needs to change, and what they are doing to bring about change.  For example, "What's important about health to you?"  "What's important about finances to you?"  (Notice "to you" at the end?  It's all about them.)  "What are you doing right now to maintain or improve your goals?"

2.   People put their trust in YOU and in your system.  It's no secret that people want to join a winning team with a leader who will plug them into a proven system for success.  To avoid "buyer's remorse", show them the easy, fast way to get started and schedule a training session within 48 hours to verify and strengthen their decision. 

3.  Positive expectations bring positive results.  Your enthusiasm and belief in others will help them believe in themselves and to create a greater vision for their lives.Your vision for winning and pushing past discouragement, criticism, problems and barriers, will help others rise beyond their own expectations.

4.  Create community.  This requires more creativity, now that you can build a team around the world, thanks to the Internet.   This makes your e-mail system, webcasts and local events that much more important.  Affirmations are even more important today, acknowledging small and large achievements.

5.  Look for talented people to work with.  Look for people smarter than you and with varied talents.  Diversify the age groups, genders, backgrounds, skills and ethnic backgrounds.  A great leader looks for and develops other great leaders who do the same, resulting in a dynamic, solid organization for a lifetime.

6.  Excellent leaders are always learning, and encouraging others to fulfill their potential.  Where do you have the greatest need for growth?  Ask your team the same question.  Your business will grow in direct proportion to the personal growth of you and your team.  Seek out seminars, webcasts, books, DVD's, CD's, corporate events.

7.  Leaders do the right thing and they pay the price.  Integrity.  When a leader doesn't know how to handle a situation, they "do the right thing" for everyone involved.  Integrity includes being fully compliant with corporate policies.  Following through on a promise.  No gossiping.  Solving situations before they become a problem.

8.  Leaders offer real hope for a better future.   Have people strongly establish their "why" for succeeding in business.  What are their specific dreams if money wasn't an object?  Help them develop a strategy for attaining what they want.  Create "dream boards" in pictures.  Now put those strategies into action.  Make it a team effort and together everyone will win.

(This post was written for us, as well as for you.  Leadership is an ongoing learning and applying process.  We hang around successful leaders to learn from them, be inspired, and then put what we like from them into action.)

Dave and Deanna Waters, USANA Diamond Directors, Independent Associates
Get started achieving your dreams now.
Call: 1-204-237-8250

Monday, May 16, 2011

Why USANA Is Tops In The Industry

When you talk about USANA with others, they are sometimes confused as to what makes our company superior to others.  They wonder if we're just making claims, or are there third-party accolades for USANA.

Well, USANA continues to receive awards in every area of the company, making it one of the best opportunities in direct sales.  Be sure to download the accolade sheets found in the Associate site under Propecting, and then Tools.

To name just a few of the amazing awards given to USANA:

USANA Founder Dr. Myron Wentz receives the Albert Einstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Life Sciences.

USANA CEO  Dave Wentz, named one of America's Powerful CEO's 40 and under  ( Jan. 14, 2009)

The Healthy Home book, co-authored by Dr. Myron Wentz and Dave Wentz is on the best seller list at the New York Times, Amazon and more...

USANA rated #1 Overall Merchant for Customer Satisfaction and #1 Merchant in Direct Sales Based on Customer Satisfaction.  (

USANA named Editor's Choice, and two if its products receive top 5-star rating and Gold Medals of Achievement from NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, Consumer Edition.  (Essentials and Health Pack)

Official Health Supplement Supplier for the WTA Tour, US Speed Skating Team, Speed Skating Canada, Biathlon Canada, Cross Country Canada, USA Luge, and Great Britain Short Track Speed Skating

.  USANA has been recognized by Outside magazine as one of its "Best Places to Work in America" in 2010 (#13) and 2009 (#17)

When you read the accolades sheet, you'll see so much more.  Awards for our Social Media, Corporate Media, Corporate Magazine, blog, "What's Up Usana?", PR News Platinum Awards, and the Stevie Award for the Best Live Event in America (our International Convention!)

Be proud!  You are offering the gift of a lifetime to people.  Most important, the products are scientifically formulated for optimal performance and health.  That's at the top of the list for a fulfilling and successful life.

Have you shared USANA with anyone today?  Invite them to the Health and Freedom presentations in cities around the world.

Dave and Deanna Waters
USANA Diamond Directors, Independent Associates  1-204-237-8250

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nicole Woelke Runs On Purpose!

Congratulations to Nicole Woelke who just ran a half marathon.....on purpose!
  Now, that's a determined team member.

I met Nicole at First Choice Fitness a year or two ago, where she was getting fit and toned, losing weight, and amazing me as she ran for long periods on the treadmill.  (I still only walk on it...although now I both run a little, and walk "Garbage Hill" due to her influence.)  Nicole started with shorter races and built up to the half marathon.  It won't be long and I'll hear she is doing the full marathon.  Her family is proud of her and so are we!

You might wonder why we settled on the name "Team On Purpose"?   It's because of people like Nicole, who have shown us that whatever you do, do it with a purpose.  Have a goal.  Set action plans.  Make it happen.

As two-star Diamond, Susanne Cunningham, likes to say, "Chat with a purpose" when you meet with people.  How can you help them?  Do they have health goals?  A need for a secondary income?  Want more time freedom for family and outside interests?   Have a heart to help others?  Ready to leave the corporate world?

How will you be "on purpose" today?  Can you share a success story with the team?

Dave and Deanna Waters, Diamond Directors, Team On Purpose
Promoting Healthy Homes, Healthy Lifestyles, Healthy Bodies