Friday, September 30, 2011

#Retirement. Can You Really Live On CPP?

Robert Kiyosaki, author of the famous Rich Dad, Poor Dad series, says,  "Don't be Fooled Again.  I've been saying this for years:  There is no longer such a thing as a safe and secure job."  Success From Home magazine, September, 2011 Vol 7 Issue 10

This is a warning also, that there is no safe and secure retirement, without careful planning.  Can you really live on what the government provides at age 65?  Not unless others are supporting you too.  Financial freedom requires ingenuity.

Plan B, found in Kiyosaki's book, The Business of the 21st Century, encourages entrepreneurship with a solid network marketing company.

When we graduated from university back in our 20's, we fully expected to retire rich at age 50.  Why not?  We were smart and creative.

Retirement did come early for Dave in his early 50's when the corporation eliminated his position.  That's when our financial advisor introduced us to USANA (featured in Success From Home magazine this month).  Freedom 55 became a reality.    

Fourteen months after Dave took early retirement, I was able to leave my job as well (the government was talking about eliminating our organization, so it was excellent timing.)  By then, our income with USANA was double what I was paid as Executive Director of Take Pride Winnipeg, so it was easy to transition to entrepreneurship, time freedom and unlimited income possibilities.

Contact us to taste financial and time freedom too, with USANA.   Plan ahead, whether you are 20, 35, 45, 67 or beyond.  There's life beyond CPP (Canadian Pension Plan).

Deanna Waters
Experience Healthy Finances, Healthy Lives and Healthy Homes

Thursday, September 29, 2011

@Oprah - How To Jet Propel To The Next Level

Whether it is for better financial security, wellness, tax advantages or personal relationships, you might be looking for a breakthrough.

Read the October issue of O, the Oprah Magazine for 9 ways to change old patterns and spark new breakthroughs. Pages 186-189.

As a teaser, here are the headings:
Go Public.  Join the Club.  Confront the risks.  When in Doubt, DIY, Rely on the Kindness of Strangers.  Know your Strengths.  Spread the Word.  Cultivate Wonder.  Embrace your Critics.

Curious? I am always impressed with the Oprah Magazine.  Buy a copy now.  It's not just for women.  The articles are practical and inspiring, appropriate for all ages, genders and situations.

Breakthroughs:  In my work with USANA, I find that people are open to developing other streams of income to secure their financial security.  They also want a greater degree of wellness, where I can help them develop a wellness plan tailored to their goals and health challenges.  

Everyone wants more tax advantages, which are available through having a home-based business with USANA, while securing your own wellness program.

And we all aspire to healthy personal relationships.  On our part, it really helped our marriage to have a common goal with our USANA business.  We travel together, enjoy the same friends, and are building our financial and wellness goals together.

Please contact us for breakthrough ideas.
Join our team.  We'd love to hear from you!
Deanna Waters, USANA Independent Associate
Diamond Director, Million Dollar Club
1-888-320-8250 toll-free 1-204-237-8250 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

@Denis Waitley: Don't Procrastinate, Get Out of the Gate!

"Good time management allows you to maximize the daily return on the energy and mental effort you expend."

That's the encouragement in an article in the September, 2011 issue of Success From Home magazine.  Denis Waitley is one of America's most respected authors, keynote lecturers and productivity consultants on high-performance human achievement.

Denis is often the keynote speaker at USANA events worldwide.

Here are the main points from Denis - read the full explanation of each point in the Success From Home magazine:

1.  Take five minutes to I.D. what you are putting off.

2.  Look at your list of tasks, and do one of them right now.

3.  If getting started is the hard part for you, set a designated time in the day to work on the list.

4.  Don't worry about perfection.  What counts is quality of effort.

5.  If what you are putting off involves other people, consult with them.

6.  If you fear the consequences associated with the action you've been avoiding, ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that could happen if I did this today?"

7.  Vividly picture how you'll feel once the task is done.

Deanna and Dave Waters, Usana Diamond Directors
Fans of Denis Waitley
Dedicated to Helping Others Achieve Financial Freedom
Contact us now!   1-888-320-8250 toll-free

Success From Home Magazine Features USANA for Health and Financial Success

 Dr. Peter Rugg, MD FACEP Internal and Emergency Board Certified, Chairman of the USANA Scientific Advisory Council and his wife Patti, with José Antonio Rivera, Former WBA Welterweight Champion, Deanna and Dave Waters, USANA Diamond Directors, all speakers at an event in Boston.  USANA has truly changed our lives!

"How USANA is Helping People Create a Better World"

That's the announcement on the cover of Success From Home magazine, September, 2011 edition.

Today was so beautiful outside, that I took a few hours to sit down on our riverbank to read the stories of people from all walks of life who are experiencing vibrant health and greater financial freedom with USANA.  It makes me so grateful for all that USANA has provided for us as well.

What does financial freedom and optimal health mean to you?

I think back sixteen years ago, when we were both busy in the corporate world, myself as Director of Marketing for Economic Development, and Dave as a National Director/Producer at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 

We were away from home for long hours, limited to how much we could earn, stressed out and had little time for one another or our family and friends.  Was this why we went to university? To work for someone else the rest of our lives, with the possibility of a 3% raise each year?

That wasn't financial freedom.  That was financial limitation.  And that lifestyle was affecting our health in a negative way.

Then our financial advisor presented us with USANA for our health as well as the way to create a source of residual income.  He knew that when the products made a difference for us, we're the kind of people who would want others to experience that too.  He was right.

Within 14 months, we were both free of the corporate rat race and enjoying our new found health, working from home....and now from our ipads and  cell phones anywhere in the world.  Talk, text, Skype, and e-mail are revolutionizing the way people spread the word about USANA.

Read "Success From Home" and be inspired to look seriously at USANA to seriously improve your health and financial freedom longterm.

Deanna Waters....Join our dedicated team!
Inspired to Make a Difference
1-888-320-8250  toll-free 1-204-237-8250

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Plan Ahead for Lifelong Health and Wealth

Degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease, Diabetes and arthritis are all too common today, for all age groups.

Are you aware that optimal supplementation can bolster your cells to help ward off these problems and even reverse some of the damage?

In the same way, the economy is whittling away at people's incomes and often robbing them totally, due to downsizing and business failures.  Good jobs are in short supply.  So, when it comes to retirement, people may have only what the government provides, and that's not much to live on.

Having a Plan "B" in a number of ways is essential today.  Many people are investing in real estate and precious metals.  Others, like myself, are creating other streams of income through relationship marketing.

This form of financial security is created with a team effort, resulting in ongoing, residual income, where everyone has the same opportunity to be successful, especially as we work together.

So, do you have a Plan B for your health and wealth?

My goal is to help others be proactive about their health with the scientific, award-winning, natural USANA product line.  

For those who understand the power of multiple streams of income, I help them develop a steady, residual income with USANA, that can far surpass their "job" income when they build seriously.

I especially enjoy working with people who have leadership skills and who have a bigger vision for their lives, with a goal to making a difference in the lives of others.

Contact me today to begin your Plan B (or A) for your health and finances!

Deanna Waters  1-888-320-8250
USANA Million Dollar Club, Fortune 100 top earner worldwide Independent Associates