Thursday, December 29, 2011

Success On Purpose Begins with a “Yes”

You can make excuses, or you can make a difference.   You can choose to see the negative in a situation or choose to see a positive opportunity to learn and even to benefit in some way.  It’s your choice.

Are you surrounded by people who pull you down, or do they elevate your attitude with positive thoughts and encouragement?  Spend more time with the ones who are excited about life and who see great possibilities for the present and future.

Sometimes our negative thinking comes from early childhood experiences in the home or school.  We don’t feel worthy or deserving of being wildly successful.  In fact, some of our friends and relatives might resent our success, so we hold back.  But will they pay our bills in the retirement years?  Make a decision today to say “yes” to opportunities and to expect great things to happen.

1.      As of today you won’t blame anyone from your past.  So who is in your life right now who gives you energy and encouragement?  

2.     Are you fully committed to being a positive influence on others and yourself?   Where will you start?

3.     What resources do you need to bolster your positive attitude?  Organizations.  Books.  Webinars.  DVD’s   CD’s  Prayer and Thanksgiving

4.       Are you ready right now to get the life you really want?  Are you willing to learn, to take direction and to jump out in faith with wholehearted effort?

Deanna Waters   Please call:  1-204-237-8250
Dedicated to Helping You Achieve Your Dreams
USANA Diamond Director, Million Dollar Club

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Three Surprising Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Are Successful

If someone were to ask you what makes an entrepreneur successful, you might list attributes like his or her intelligence, personal appearance, education, dedication and hard work.  While all of those qualities can be important, depending on the line of work, there are surprising forces in our lives that affect our success, outlined in a New York Bestselling book by Malcolm Gladwell, "Outliers, The Story of Success"

In which part of the year were you born and how did that affect your progress?  Did your birthday fall in the school calendar year where you were always the youngest and smallest in your class?  That decision by the education system could have affected your self esteem, always in "catch-up" mode, having to compete with older students.  If you were amongst the oldest and biggest, then you had the advantage both academically and physically.  

This aspect follows students all through the school years, and is particularly important when they try out for hockey, basketball or baseball. It's an interesting phenomenon to see that the majority of players on the Junior World Hockey Teams were born in the months of January, February and March, making them the oldest in their leagues at all stages of development.  As ones who exceled at each age level, they would have been favored for extra training and privileges.  

Success, says the author, results from a steady stream of advantages, including when and where you were born, what your parents did for a living, and the surrounding circumstances.

Since our daughters were born in the same year, nine months and three weeks apart, they could have started kindergarten in the same school calendar year.  We opted to hold the youngest back a year, so that she would be closer in age to her classmates.  On hindsight, it was a wise decision, since she excelled academically and in music, being on a level playing field.  

And being from the middle class, as pointed out by the author, we were very involved with our daughters' lives, reading with them, providing music lessons and extra support for whatever interested them.  They grew up expecting to graduate from university, with fulfilling careers, and they did.

What year were you born and what was happening in the world then?  In the case of people like Steve Jobs, born February 24, 1955,  Paul Allen, January 21, 1953, and Bill Gates, October 28, 1955, they were all born exactly as computers were just being introduced to the world and each had special opportunities in their teens to spend time on the first models.  Had they been born earlier or later, they may have missed the opportunity to be as creative and inventive as they were.  

What kind of opportunities were you given and did you take advantage of them?   When we look back on our lives, we see all kinds of opportunities that fell in our way.  Teachers who took a special interest in us, scholarships and part time jobs that allowed us to attend university, a chance to make a difference in the broadcast industry during its infancy.  

The opportunity to become entrepreneurs was presented to us at just the right time in our lives, when we were ready to work from home and enjoy time and financial freedom, free from the corporate structure.

The author says the key to success is whether a person has the strength and presence of mind to seize opportunities, whether they grew up in poverty or in a privileged home setting.  Read the Outliers to see how it fits into your world.

Deanna and Dave Waters
Seize the opportunity to be a successful entrepreneur.  Contact us for more information.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Five Reasons Entrepreneurs Reach Financial Freedom

Remember that parcel of land that you were offered 20 years ago, but you figured you couldn't afford it, and then it tripled in price within three years?  That happened to us and we've regretted it ever since, especially since the land is probably worth 10 or 20 times the amount today.

Back in 1971 we read a book by David Wilkerson that said to buy gold, which was $35 an ounce at the time, and also to store gold and silver jewellery, coins and silverware in your safety deposit box for the day when you have to use it to barter.  You already know that we didn't do that either, although we do have a few items stashed away at the bank.   We would be multi-millionaires today if we had taken out a second mortgage on our home to buy $50,000 worth of gold coins back then, and have solid financial freedom.

1So you already know from these examples that rich people are savvy about what is happening in the marketplace and they take action immediately.   That's number one, where they tune into trusted, well researched sources for advice, but also watch what's happening around the world to make their own decisions.  They know a good deal when they see it and they find a way to work it to their advantage.

2Once you stop working for someone else and you are your own boss, is the day you begin your journey to financial freedom.   Every dollar you earn is your own dollar to keep, invest, spend or give away to charity.  Being your own boss includes leasing only those items you can write off at tax time and buying the things that you can't lease.  In other words, don't work for the banks and the leasing companies, let your money work for you.

3.  With a job, you have a structured income,  perhaps including some perks like bonus plans or profit sharing.  When we stepped into entrepreneurship 16 years ago, we discovered the power of creating multiple streams of income, which is leveraged and residual, all without a ceiling on how much a person or business can earn.

4.  Those who declare that they don't like to sell, will be left behind, because everything in life is about selling, even if we call it something else.  Those who understand selling, assess all the reasons a person might say no, and then determine a plan to bring about a positive reaction that meets the customers needs and pocket book.

5.  Get personal and leave customers feeling good about their decisions.  When I was editor of a business journal, I noticed how the publisher immediately found common interests with a customer and established a good relationship in his conversations.  When they chose to advertise in the magazine, they made the decision happily, because the publisher had created a positive, feel good atmosphere.

So those are just five reasons entrepreneurs reach financial freedom, although there are many more to discuss in the future.

Deanna Waters
USANA Global Leader, Independent Associate
Experience Success as an Entrepreneur with us.
Call 1-888-320-8250

Friday, December 16, 2011

Kevin Guest: How Will USANA Enrich Your Life?

"Why should you partner with Usana?" was the question posed by Kevin Guest, the company's President of North America.  He is also responsible for the opening of Belgium, France and the rest of Europe, beginning in 2012.

Kevin shared how his father always brought him up to "do good" in life, whatever his career choice.  For him, USANA is the ultimate choice for doing good, providing the opportunity for people around the world to benefit from top quality products and the highest paying business plan in the industry.

USANA provides the opportunity to make your own health better, to be about good work, and to help others enjoy financial freedom with their own USANA home based business.

"We can't change lives without being in the relationship and people-attraction business," he said.  "We're all on a journey where we need to take risks and throw aside whatever is holding us back from reaching our greatest potential."

What a great time to be in USANA if you have a big, big vision for your life and want to bring value to the lives of others!  Here's the listing Kevin shared with us, of recent and 20 year track accomplishments, amongst them being chosen in an article in Forbes Magazine as one of the top 5 pick companies for stock investments in 2012.

.  Almost $600 million in sales this past year
.  1.75 billion in commissions and bonuses to Associates over the past 20 years  (Yes, you can earn a lucrative income with USANA)
.  USANA has the highest payout percentage of profitable, reporting companies in the industry.

.  USANA is listed in the top 25 worldwide of all network marketing companies
.  From 2004 to 2011 USANA has posted a steady growth curve of 12% ... an enviable record.

USANA will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year at its International Convention in Salt Lake City this August 14 - 18, where many exciting introductions will be announced, so you will want to be there.  And all through the year, new incentives, products and programs will be rolled out, to bring even greater value to customers and Associates.  USANA will no doubt continue its steady growth curve, so you can sit back and watch it happen, or you can play an active part in the excitement and help make it happen.

Join our Success on Purpose Team to Change Lives for the Better.
Would you like a piece of that billion dollar profit?
Deanna and Dave Waters
USANA Global Leaders, Diamond Directors, Independent Associates

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Financial Freedom With Reduced Taxes and Increased Benefits

While others are doing with less and coping with a reduced income, you could be enjoying more benefits in life, with lower taxable income and more money in your savings portfolio.  This is the avenue to financial freedom enjoyed by those who are in the top 3% of earners in North America.

Consider the benefit of attending conferences at home and even around the world, to increase your earning capacity, while writing all or a portion of the expenses off because of your home based business.  Ask your accountant about the many tax benefits in your area, by establishing a viable home based business.

Work from home in a relaxed atmosphere, free of corporate determined hours, deadlines and meetings.  Think of the savings in your clothing budget, less meals at restaurants, and daily travel expenses to and from your place of work.  Imagine instead, spending each day in your sweatsuit, taking 30 seconds to walk to your office and meeting with contacts by phone or online, and then writing off many of the normal expenses included with a home based business.

Financial freedom with a home based business is a wise choice for those who understand multiple streams of income, whether this is achieved on a part time or full time basis.  A USANA home based business in particular, allows you to redirect your spending from the super market to your own business, while reducing your taxable income and creating an automatic, international source of income.

This world renowned company, provides a home based opportunity that is not only an excellent way to financial freedom for you, but for your family as they inherit your USANA business.

Please contact us to discuss how you can experience this kind of freedom with the Success on Purpose team.

Deanna Waters, USANA Global Leader, Independent Associate
Dedicated to Your Time and Financial Freedom

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

USANA: Be Your Own Boss To Control The Direction of Your Life

 Stepping into business ownership is becoming more and more common, with the onset of job losses and economic hardship.

The challenge to be the boss of your own business, is often pursued in order to gain greater control over your time and finances.  If that scares you, entrepreneurship has many unique advantages.  Work for a paycheck with someone else, and you give away that control.   

Your employer determines your hours, income, commission checks, place of work.  From my experience, an employer directs when you'll take a vacation, lunch and coffee breaks.  There's very little room for compassion or flexibility when facing family issues that require your time and input.

With your own USANA home-based business you have the freedom to drive the kids to school, coach their soccer teams, be home when they are ill, help a friend move during the day, and golf whenever you want.

Apparently 94% of rich people own their own businesses, with the taking of responsible risks considered a necessary ingredient for creating massive success.  The average net worth of self-employed people was an impressive $1.3 million, more than six times the net worth of the average worker, according to the Franklin Prosperity Report.

Be your own boss and you take on the responsibility for building a strong business.  The rewards for being willing to learn continually, improve as you progress, bounce back from mistakes, and drive through the tough times, are well worth it.

With a USANA home-based business, you are supported by one of the best management teams and scientific departments in the industry.  Marketing materials, webinars, seminars, conventions, local events, all provide an opportunity to be financially free.

Deanna Waters, USANA Global Leader
USANA Million Dollar Club Member, Independent Associate
Are you ready for financial freedom?  Do you want to direct your own time?
Let's talk!   1-888-320-8250

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Three Things That Propel You to Prosperity.

 It's not always intelligence,  exceptional talent, knowing the right people or having financial resources, that determine a person's road to prosperity.  Instead, it's often something much more personal.

1.  Passion/Emotional Involvement

This sweet newborn is one of the reasons we are thankful for good health and time and financial freedom.  It's so important to spend time with him without the pressure of corporate demands.   We are so deeply in love with little Jayden, that we appreciate being able be with him at every opportunity.

The residual income developed in network marketing, and in particular, with USANA Health Sciences, and a home-based business, opens that vista to control your own hours and choices.   What's the passion that drives you to pursue greater financial freedom?

2.  Focus

When you work from home, there are many distractions that can pull you away from your goals, from your action plans and your daily work schedule.  It's imperative to chart your daily activities, such as determining when you'll check for phone messages, when you'll participate in social online marketing, and when you'll make follow up calls.  Write out in detail your 90 day, 6 month, one year and 5 year goals, to avoid being side tracked.

3.  Team Effort.

While your own achievements count highly towards your time and financial freedom, greater success always comes to those who are masters at encouraging the best from others as well.  With our USANA home-based business, we've witnessed how those who build a strong team of leaders, generate the greatest level of financial freedom.

So what's on our schedule for the week?  If we don't answer when you call, we might just have baby Jayden on our agenda at the moment, but we'll get back to you promptly.

Deanna and Dave Waters, USANA Global Leaders
Are you ready for greater time and financial freedom?
Every day counts.  Call 1-888-320-8250   Independent Associates