Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Empowering Beliefs Lead to Successful Results. Is Your Mind Powered Up?

What kind of people take on The Police 10K Relay or Half Marathon run on a cold, drizzly day?  As I arrived at the starting area, I observed every kind of body shape, age and gender, all happily stretching and chatting about the day's goals.

The motivated people I saw at this charity event,  were impressive with their level of physical fitness, but probably the most important attribute was their belief that they could accomplish what they set out to do. 

My goal was not all that noble.  I was concerned and determined to simply complete the course in order to keep up my part of the bargain with Nicole Woelke, who would follow me with her 10K.   Our combined time for the 20K was pretty good, 3:09:42 for which I give her all the glory for finishing strong.

Several times during the trek I wondered why I was putting my body through this challenge.  I work out at the gym with a personal trainer three times a week for an hour, which includes weight training, balance and cardio, but this is quite different from a long run or walk which requires substantial stamina and determination on all fronts.

The mind has tremendous power over the body, empowering us to accomplish more to even surpass our dreams.  Let me assure you that several times during this route, I had to call on my brain power to drive my heavy feet forward.

This is not all that different on the business front.  People who are motivated to set goals and reach them in a particular time frame, will have strong beliefs in their capabilities, which will in turn drive their behaviors to complete the tasks.

Think of a project you want to complete in the coming weeks and months.  What are the self limiting or self empowering beliefs that will affect your outcome?  What is the motivating factor, the deep-down reasons, that will drive you to see the project through?  How serious are you to step out of your comfort zone and make it happen?

Deanna Waters
Dedicated to your success....
How strong are your beliefs and behaviors?  What are they?
1-888-320-8250   Be sure to read our book:  http://outskirtspress.com/successonpurposenow

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