Thursday, August 2, 2012

Three Surefire Ways to Get Past Your Roadblocks

Roadblocks in life can cause a major disruption in your progress, like this one on our street, where a major freak storm tore huge trees up by the roots and flung them over the road.

With no power, phones and Internet for up to 48 hours, people in 200 homes on this peninsula in Winnipeg had to make quick decisions about this major roadblock.

Roadblocks or challenges, can be a major power outage for your plans, holdng you back from achieving your dreams and highest goals.

Here are three ways to get past your roadblocks:

1.  Anticipate there will be roadblocks and have a plan of escape.   When you know  roadblocks for your business could be such things as feeling pressured, overwhelmed, distracted, having other priorities, depression, etc. plan ahead with a set way to refocus and get centered again. 
This could be through meditation and prayer, or by calling a mentor or coach.  Go for a walk to clear your mind.  Hit the gym. 

2.  For the unexpected roadblock, be ready with a positive mindset.  "I can do this!"  "Everything happens for a reason."  "Nothing is impossible with God!"  

3.  Look for ways to go around, under or over the roadblock, or can you just ignore it?  People on our peninsula walked and cycled under the tree to get out.  Others had to meet a taxi on the other side.  Some chose to ignore the tree and stayed home for two days.   What are other solutions for your business challenge?  Is there an answer on Google or from a business associate? 

It was almost 48 hours before we had power, cable, phones and the Internet.  The tendency is to wait for the city to make everything right.  When that tests your patience and resources, you get more creative.  We went to the Apple store to access the internet and our e-mails.  We used other people's internet access as well, and of course we had our smart phones.  In business, you keep going forward past the roadblocks.

What are some roadblocks you've experienced lately?  How have you dealt successfully with them?

Deanna and Dave Waters
Helping you experience Success On Purpose Now!

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