Monday, August 27, 2012

How to Make 6 and 7 Figures in Network Marketing

Network marketing provides part time and full time income for millions of families around the world who own a home based business.  You hear of people even making a million dollars and more, but is it really true?  Can regular people achieve that level of income?

Well, we are living proof.  Dave and Deanna Waters, with a background in communications, escaped the rat race, with its limited incomes, in favor of unlimited potential.  It took eight years with the company that we represent to be inducted into the Million Dollar Club, having achieved that income over 8 years.  Then, we've been with the company for another 9 years, so you do the math, realizing that we grew faster and more productive in the second half of our business.

We're standing by our  USANA Million Dollar Club star outside the corporate headquarters.  What does it take to achieve that level of success as entrepreneurs?

1.  Passion/Positive Mindset.    You need to believe deeply in the company, the products, the compensation plan, in others and in yourself.  Pass that passion on with believable enthusiasm, so that others can catch the vision and become part of the excitement.   Expect success no matter what the circumstances.

2.  Determination.  Set your goals, action plans and do what it takes to make it happen.

3.  Constant Learning.   Attend corporate and local events.  Listen to CD's, DVD's on business building, inspiration, personal development.   Learn how to market without being pushy, but rather ask questions to discover each person's needs and wants.  Then discover together how you can help.

4.  Leadership.  Strive to get better at your craft and pass that knowledge on to others.  Provide the kind of coaching, teaching and encouragement that helps people believe in themselves and develop to their full potential.

5.  Varied marketing:  Explore both Internet and offline marketing in order to spread a wide net for people who can benefit from your company.  Think locally and globally.  Here's a system to generate leads and build a bigger business:

Those are five important attributes to develop a million dollar income.....or even just a nice part time income.

Dave and Deanna Waters
Be empowered!  Create the life you really want.
888-320-8250 (toll-free)

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