You can make excuses, or you can make a difference. You can choose to see the
negative in a situation or choose to see a positive opportunity to learn and
even to benefit in some way. It’s your
Are you surrounded by people who pull you down, or
do they elevate your attitude with positive thoughts and encouragement? Spend more time with the ones who are excited
about life and who see great possibilities for the present and future.
Sometimes our negative thinking comes from early
childhood experiences in the home or school.
We don’t feel worthy or deserving of being wildly successful. In fact, some of our friends and relatives
might resent our success, so we hold back.
But will they pay our bills in the retirement years? Make a decision today to say “yes” to
opportunities and to expect great things to happen.
1. As of today you won’t blame anyone from your
past. So who is in your life right now
who gives you energy and encouragement?
2. Are you fully committed to
being a positive influence on others and yourself? Where will you start?
3. What resources do you need to bolster your
positive attitude? Organizations. Books.
Webinars. DVD’s CD’s
Prayer and Thanksgiving
4. Are you ready right now to get the life you
really want? Are you willing to learn,
to take direction and to jump out in faith with wholehearted effort?
Deanna Waters Please call: 1-204-237-8250
Dedicated to Helping You Achieve Your Dreams
USANA Diamond Director, Million Dollar Club