Financial freedom requires persistence, dedication, action and a lot of patience.
On a recent trip to Florida on business, I walked the beach in the morning, passing this heron, who could stand still for what seemed like forever, staring into the ocean. What you can't see in the photo, is that straight ahead of him was a fellow throwing his line in for fish.
The heron was very patient, knowing his meal would eventually be coming in. As soon as the fisherman began to reel in a fish, the heron headed for the shore with amazing speed and stole the catch. He understood the power and fruitfulness of patience. The fisherman learned that he should move to another location.
This amusing scenario reminded me to be aware of where others are successful with their business, should that be a wise move for me. Then, be sure that no one is waiting to snatch away my rewards. Also, both the heron and the fisherman had to be patient and persistent in their pursuit of a "customer".
Where can you apply more patience and persistence in your business?
Deanna Waters
Success On Purpose...Now!
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