Monday, August 27, 2012

How to Make 6 and 7 Figures in Network Marketing

Network marketing provides part time and full time income for millions of families around the world who own a home based business.  You hear of people even making a million dollars and more, but is it really true?  Can regular people achieve that level of income?

Well, we are living proof.  Dave and Deanna Waters, with a background in communications, escaped the rat race, with its limited incomes, in favor of unlimited potential.  It took eight years with the company that we represent to be inducted into the Million Dollar Club, having achieved that income over 8 years.  Then, we've been with the company for another 9 years, so you do the math, realizing that we grew faster and more productive in the second half of our business.

We're standing by our  USANA Million Dollar Club star outside the corporate headquarters.  What does it take to achieve that level of success as entrepreneurs?

1.  Passion/Positive Mindset.    You need to believe deeply in the company, the products, the compensation plan, in others and in yourself.  Pass that passion on with believable enthusiasm, so that others can catch the vision and become part of the excitement.   Expect success no matter what the circumstances.

2.  Determination.  Set your goals, action plans and do what it takes to make it happen.

3.  Constant Learning.   Attend corporate and local events.  Listen to CD's, DVD's on business building, inspiration, personal development.   Learn how to market without being pushy, but rather ask questions to discover each person's needs and wants.  Then discover together how you can help.

4.  Leadership.  Strive to get better at your craft and pass that knowledge on to others.  Provide the kind of coaching, teaching and encouragement that helps people believe in themselves and develop to their full potential.

5.  Varied marketing:  Explore both Internet and offline marketing in order to spread a wide net for people who can benefit from your company.  Think locally and globally.  Here's a system to generate leads and build a bigger business:

Those are five important attributes to develop a million dollar income.....or even just a nice part time income.

Dave and Deanna Waters
Be empowered!  Create the life you really want.
888-320-8250 (toll-free)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Teamwork Always Surpasses Individual Efforts

Put a team together for a common cause and you will witness explosive efforts and success.

That's what happened with the "crazy socks" crew at the fundraising 5K walk for the USANA True Health Foundation, in Salt Lake City.

Where one person's effort might raise $500, a group could raise $12,000 and more.  In fact, the hundreds of participants in the 5K walk raised over $200,000.

The Foundation supports the Children's Hunger Fund to feed, clothe and educate needy children and families around the world.  In addition, the Foundation responds quickly to disasters, such donating $50,000 to help those affected by flooding in the Philippines.

How can you create a greater team effort in your business and life?  What are your plans to develop your team in the coming weeks?   Participation in webinars, potlucks, goal setting, contests and more, can take you all to the next level of achievements.

Deanna and Dave Waters
Be empowered.  Create the life you really want.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Three Surefire Ways to Get Past Your Roadblocks

Roadblocks in life can cause a major disruption in your progress, like this one on our street, where a major freak storm tore huge trees up by the roots and flung them over the road.

With no power, phones and Internet for up to 48 hours, people in 200 homes on this peninsula in Winnipeg had to make quick decisions about this major roadblock.

Roadblocks or challenges, can be a major power outage for your plans, holdng you back from achieving your dreams and highest goals.

Here are three ways to get past your roadblocks:

1.  Anticipate there will be roadblocks and have a plan of escape.   When you know  roadblocks for your business could be such things as feeling pressured, overwhelmed, distracted, having other priorities, depression, etc. plan ahead with a set way to refocus and get centered again. 
This could be through meditation and prayer, or by calling a mentor or coach.  Go for a walk to clear your mind.  Hit the gym. 

2.  For the unexpected roadblock, be ready with a positive mindset.  "I can do this!"  "Everything happens for a reason."  "Nothing is impossible with God!"  

3.  Look for ways to go around, under or over the roadblock, or can you just ignore it?  People on our peninsula walked and cycled under the tree to get out.  Others had to meet a taxi on the other side.  Some chose to ignore the tree and stayed home for two days.   What are other solutions for your business challenge?  Is there an answer on Google or from a business associate? 

It was almost 48 hours before we had power, cable, phones and the Internet.  The tendency is to wait for the city to make everything right.  When that tests your patience and resources, you get more creative.  We went to the Apple store to access the internet and our e-mails.  We used other people's internet access as well, and of course we had our smart phones.  In business, you keep going forward past the roadblocks.

What are some roadblocks you've experienced lately?  How have you dealt successfully with them?

Deanna and Dave Waters
Helping you experience Success On Purpose Now!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Five Bonus Tactics For Achieving Super Momentum

Can you picture impressive commissions appearing in your bank account every week, while you are spending less time on your business than you did a year ago?  Wouldn't that be nice?

That's what can happen in the network marketing industry, when you build a strong team of like-minded entrepreneurs and leaders with the same vision, to make a real difference in the lives of others. 

 So how do you make super momentum happen?

1.  Follow the lead of other successful marketers.  Who in your industry is sharing their success secrets, that you and your team could follow?  Be dedicated to learn from them and apply what they suggest.

2.  View your business as a huge corporation that requires daily commitment and action.  Your visionary attitude will attract like-minded people who will also build huge corporations.

3.  Establish your time as valuable, so that team members and contacts will honor their appointments and make the best use of your time.  

4.  Build your personal brand with a professional business e-mail address, business cards and domain name for your website.  This is not the place to be "cute or funny".  

5.  Establish your leadership with a Facebook business fan page and a presence on Linkedin, offering valuable information.  Choose groups where you can participate regularly, bringing value, so that participants will place you top of mind when needing your products or business opportunity.

Are you ready for Super Momentum?  How will you start today?

Dave and Deanna Waters
Dedicated to your success...
Authors:  "Success On Purpose...NOW!"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Five More Master-Level Tactics for Creating Greater Momentum

So you are already embracing the first five master-level tactics listed in our prior blogpost to re-ignite and add spark for greater momentum for your business success.... it's time to add five more tactics for even greater momentum.

1.  Add structure to your business with daily, weekly and monthy income generating activities, and track everything.  Know where you are having success and do more of that, less of the other. 

2.  Rather than an "everybody" approach, develop an intimate knowledge of your targeted audience and what they are looking for.  Put your message in front of them often.

3.  Present your VALUE first as a leader and as someone who is committed to serve them in a quality way.  Once you have their trust, you can present your company.

4.   Balanced growth includes creating new customers for your products or service, not just acquiring new team members.  Pass that strategy on to your team so that they can achieve that same balance.   Duplication of efforts around a proven system is what propels a business forward.

5.  Spend time with business partners who are seriously working to serve and find customers and team members.  Those who just talk, who make excuses and who waste time, are detrimental to everyone.  Ask them, "How serious are you?"  When they get serious, then show them your system and help them take action.

How serious are you?  Is this the right time for you to create ongoing and growing residual income with network marketing?

Dave and Deanna Waters
Authors and Top Business Leaders
Success on Purpose...NOW!
Leave your comments.  How serious are you?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Five Master-Level Tactics for Re-igniting Your Business

Are you looking for business building ideas to move you forward fast, to create a strong, sustainable income?  Here are five tactics that work for massive income with network marketing....or any kind of business.
 1.  Become the person you are looking for, making personal development as great a priority as finding that next champion representative.   Attend webinars, read the latest books, listen to CD's and watch DVD's on sales strategies, internet marketing, communications, copy writing and leadership.

2.  Create your own USP (Unique Selling Proposition) where your benefits are so compelling that it makes it irresistible to work with you.   People want to run with leaders and people who will show them a ready-made system for success.  Be that person with that system where new people can generate their first checks quickly, increasing their chances of solidifying their belief in themselves, the company, the products and network marketing.

3.  Give more in value than you will ever receive in income, and increase the number of people you serve personally or automatically every day.   You'll notice that top leaders are always giving away free training materials, webinars and valuable information on their blogs and websites.  When you are plugged into automated systems for training and lead generation, you can reach a wider audience on a regular basis, while you are playing on the beach.

4.  Locate and enroll people with a strong circle of influence and credibility.   You will find these people in business groups, churches, sports and arts organizations and those who have excelled with network marketing or a traditional business before, and are ready to embrace your company and products

5.  Like the Girl Scouts motto says:  "Be Prepared".... be prepared at all times to serve, expecially in the initial contact with a prospect.  Have marketing materials on hand, plus information on your smart phone or ipad ready to show, and then send e-mails on the spot with any data they need.  Your professionalism and commitment to excellence will give a solid first impression that will lead to immediate business, or further communications and future business.

Begin with the end in mind, giving your all to reach and exceed your goals.  Read our book, Success On Purpose...NOW! for practical and inspiring ideas to create momentum and success in your business.

Dave and Deanna Waters
Global Entrepreneurs Dedicated to YOUR Success

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to Network With Success Without Bugging Your Friends and Family

Owning your own business of any type, storefront or network marketing,  is going to require some amount of networking, and you can be wildly successful without approaching your friends and family.  Let them come to you once they see the value of what you have to offer.

Today, you can go beyond local business and interest groups, like BNI, sports and arts associations, educational groups and so on.   You can also become proficient at networking online, even internationally.  With a little coaching, you can become proficient at contacting people globally who are looking for what you have to offer.

We are expanding through Internet Marketing as well as with the local market.  Put the two together and you will have a growing and profitable business.  Add affiliate products to the mix, and you have extra income to work with for promoting your main business.

We're happy to share what we are learning.  How about you?  Are you open to learning more about local and international networking?

Deanna and David Waters
Global Entrepreneurs
Let's hear your comments!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Sitting Too Long Can Shorten Your Life Says Study. Are You At Your Desk Too Long At A Time?

Sit less.  Live longer.

Two years could be added to your life expectancy if you limited your "sitting" time to less than three hours a day.

And if you simply cut your television watching time to less than two hours a day, you could add another 1.4 years to your life.

"Sitting is a dangerous risk factor for early death, on par with smoking and being obese," says Peter Katzmarzyk, a reasearcher at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge and lead author of the study published online in BMJ Open.  Smoking also cuts about two years off of life expentancy, he says.

Reported in the Winnipeg Free Press, July 11, 2012, this is the latest in a number of studies which look at the health risks of the "sitting disease".  Research has linked it to increased risks of diabetes, and death from cancer, heart disease and stroke. 

So how can you avoid the effects of "the sitting disease?"

1.  Set your alarm for one hour, and each time get up and walk around or outside for 10 minutes.   Stand at your desk when possible, rather than sitting.

2.  Stand when speaking on the phone and even walk around during the conversation.  Use head phones to give yourself flexibility to walk during conversations.

3.  Go for a walk during coffee and lunch breaks. 

4.  Watch TV while walking on a treadmill.  Do floor and chair exercises while watching television or at your computer.  Pull your legs up to your chest and then hold them out straight.  Repeat five times.  Then sit on the floor and put your feet up on your chair to do situps five times.  Repeat the two exercises several times.  If it's appropriate to have bare or sock feet, that gives flexibility to flex your toes and ankles as well.

5.  Schedule walks before and after your work schedule.

What other creative ways can you avoid the "sitting disease" and therefore help extend your life?

Deanna Waters
Create the life you really want for health and finances
Our book: Success on Purpose...NOW!
How can we help you?  1-888-320-8250

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Home Based Businesses Work Wherever and Whenever You Want

At the moment, I am looking out my office window at the Red River moving along, with a blue sky overhead, lush green grass and towering trees nearby.  I love living and working in Winnipeg in the spring, summer and fall, with its beautiful weather and landscapes.

But come winter, with blowing snow and freezing temperatures, it's inviting to attend events in the Vancouver harbour, like you see here.  Or, to take advantage of business trips in Florida, California and Arizona.

That's the beauty of working from home.  You can move your office to any location in the world, working from your laptop, ipad or iphone.  When people ask me when I will be taking a holiday, I can honestly answer, "Every day is a holiday for me!"

We can wear our Million Dollar Club jackets to special events or enjoy more casual choices at home.  The temptations for lunch and snacks are cut down, as we choose to have healthy food readily available.  And the 30 second commute in the morning certainly cuts down on the cost of fuel and upkeep for our cars.

If you are looking for more time and lifestyle freedom, consider establishing a home based business.  It's a healthy choice in a myriad of ways.

Deanna Waters
Committed to Healthy and Abundant Lifestyle Choices
Author:  Success on Purpose...NOW!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Montel Williams Asks What You Did Today of Value

Montel Williams, famous television host, challenged the crowd with, "What three things did you do today that are worth talking about tomorrow?"

He was speaking at the first Health and Happiness Summit in New York, hosted by Dr. Mehmet Oz and sponsored by USANA Health Sciences.

That's a challenging question both personally and from a business perspective.

On the personal side, I spent precious time on a walk with my daughter Marcie and grandson Jayden.  Then we went shopping for an outdoor splash pool to enjoy over the summer in the back yard.   That is definitely worth talking about.

For business, I booked some appointments, left messages, sent out e-mails, all pretty ordinary.  The exceptional part was sending the final copy and photos for our second book to the publisher, a task that grew to be larger than anticipated.

Tonight, I'll tune into a webinar on social media, a topic that often confuses me as things continually evolve and change.

What three things did you do today that are worth talking about tomorrow!

Deanna Waters
Making Success Happen On Purpose....NOW!
Check out our book:  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Do What Energizes You Today! Have You Had Your Nutrimeal Shake Yet?

What gives you energy for the day?  A run, a nutritional shake or bar, an apple, meditation and prayer?  Whatever or whoever it is, make it a priority for power packed results.

Thousands of enthusiastic runners surged past our home for the city's Half Marathon last week.  I had run a 10K two weeks prior, so seeing these people of all ages going even further, was so impressive.  It gave me energy to witness their drive and to cheer them on.

Blake Wood, my personal trainer, seen here in black, transfers his energy and positive attitude to me at the gym.  His running partner, Ian Rabb, in white, always brightens my day there too, with his bright smile, ready laugh and total dedication to achieving his fitness goals.

For sustained energy, I start my day with a USANA Nutrimeal drink, filled with fresh fruit, plus the Health Pack vitamins.  

Think about what gives you energy...and the people who brighten your thoughts.  How can you bring hope and energy to someone else today?

Deanna Waters
Let me hear your energy sources
Check out our book for great energy ideas! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Vitamin D Essentail for All Ages, says Dr. Christine Wood

Vitamin D is vitally important for babies, children, teens and adults, says Dr. Christine Wood, MD and pediatrician, speaking at the Achieving New Heights event in Winnipeg, June 13, 2012.

In fact, there is a 26% increase in mortality for those with low vitamin D levels.  

Dr. Wood noted that most people in the Northern Hemisphere need to supplement their food intake with vitamin D since exposure to the sun for the vitamin is not as often or intense.

She noted that vitamin D when breastfeeding is very important, since the babies who are low in the vitamin are more likely to experience food allergies.  It's interesting also, that children develop their food preferences by ages two and three, so they need to be exposed to a variety of foods early on.

Dr. Wood doesn't talk about "good" or "bad" foods, but rather, "growing"foods or "energy"foods etc. to encourage children to choose their foods wisely.

Dr. Wood is a frequent guest on national radio and television shows in the U.S. and is a member of the USANA Scientific Advisory Board.  She is the author of How to Get Kids to Eat Great and love it"  available through her website:   Visit her site for excellent information on nutrition for children.

Deanna Waters
Committed to Your Healthy Lifestyle
To order our book:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to Achieve New Heights With An Empowered Belief System

Susanne Cunningham is the champion of empowered beliefs.  She celebrated her birthday recently, arriving the day before from a successful climb to the base camp of Mount Everest with her three sons.  No doubt that trek took amazing strength and a mind that was focused on achieving her goals.

Seen here with her husband John, the two of them are leaders in the networkmarketing and wellness industries, powered by a constant positive belief system.

Susanne's book, Being LASERFocused. YOUR ROADMAP TO SUCCESS, provides "key strategies to bring focus, specific disciplines and accountability, for your path to success."

The book teaches a step-by-step proven system to create the results you desire, not by working harder but by working in a focused, productive way.

The Cunningham's have been an inspiration to us and to thousands of other entrepreneurs over the years.  The goal of everyone in the industry should be to be a role model who inspires others to believe in themselves, their company, the industry and having great products that can change lives.

Are you laserfocused today?  

Who will you encourage today to believe in themselves to make a difference?

Deanna and Dave Waters
Success On Purpose Now for you!
Order our book now, to climb to new heights...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Empowering Beliefs Lead to Successful Results. Is Your Mind Powered Up?

What kind of people take on The Police 10K Relay or Half Marathon run on a cold, drizzly day?  As I arrived at the starting area, I observed every kind of body shape, age and gender, all happily stretching and chatting about the day's goals.

The motivated people I saw at this charity event,  were impressive with their level of physical fitness, but probably the most important attribute was their belief that they could accomplish what they set out to do. 

My goal was not all that noble.  I was concerned and determined to simply complete the course in order to keep up my part of the bargain with Nicole Woelke, who would follow me with her 10K.   Our combined time for the 20K was pretty good, 3:09:42 for which I give her all the glory for finishing strong.

Several times during the trek I wondered why I was putting my body through this challenge.  I work out at the gym with a personal trainer three times a week for an hour, which includes weight training, balance and cardio, but this is quite different from a long run or walk which requires substantial stamina and determination on all fronts.

The mind has tremendous power over the body, empowering us to accomplish more to even surpass our dreams.  Let me assure you that several times during this route, I had to call on my brain power to drive my heavy feet forward.

This is not all that different on the business front.  People who are motivated to set goals and reach them in a particular time frame, will have strong beliefs in their capabilities, which will in turn drive their behaviors to complete the tasks.

Think of a project you want to complete in the coming weeks and months.  What are the self limiting or self empowering beliefs that will affect your outcome?  What is the motivating factor, the deep-down reasons, that will drive you to see the project through?  How serious are you to step out of your comfort zone and make it happen?

Deanna Waters
Dedicated to your success....
How strong are your beliefs and behaviors?  What are they?
1-888-320-8250   Be sure to read our book:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gen Y Entrepreneurs Need a System, a Timeline and a Big Reason to Succeed

Gen Y and Beyond:  Does your situation hurt enough to make a change?

You've heard it before, that if you keep on doing what you are doing, you will keep on getting what you are getting now and maybe less.  Also, what will you lose if you don't set higher goals and take action to reach them?

A recent speaker, Michael Callejas, One Star Diamond with USANA Health Sciences, who works successfully with Gen Y entrepreneurs, ages 18 to 35, said they need an easy system to follow, where they don't have time to think so much that they become afraid.  Get them into action immediately so that there is no time left for fear.

Have them set goals with strict deadlines that are achievable, with self-determined rewards for reaching those goals and self-determined losses if they don't.   

Ask, "How serious are you?"  People quit on themselves, not the business, so give them great success stories to encourage their own possibilities, and remind them daily that they have the power to change their lives right now.

Gen Y are natural entrepreneurs filled with enthusiasm and creative ideas.  They just need a simple vehicle to embrace, and solid guidance to make the most of the opportunity.

What are your three greatest reasons to change your life financially?

Deanna and Dave Waters
How can we help you achieve your goals?   1-204-237-8250


Monday, April 30, 2012

Reach the Gen Y Generation for Greater Creativity and Success

What is important to people in the Gen Y age group, 18 to 35, and what are the benefits of having them in your organization?

From our recent involvement with this great group of entrepreneurs, we've discovered they are overflowing with ideas, they take a fresh perspective to the way things have always been done, and they bring energy and enthusiasm to tasks that present a challenge.  They love financial and time freedom, plus the chance to work from home, rather than a nine to five job in a cubicle.

Read "Y-Size Your Business.  How Gen Y Employees Can Save You Money and Grow Your Business" by Jason Ryan Dorsey, for a more in-depth look at this important economic segment.  

We're attending two evenings with an expert in this area and will report back to you in the next blog post.  Meanwhile, embrace the Gen Y generation and enjoy a refreshing business experience.

Deanna and Dave Waters
Dedicated to providing better lifestyles for all age groups and everyone who is serious about changing their lives and the lives of others.   Is that you?  Contact us!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Business Leaders Hang Out With Other Leaders to Learn and Grow.

Create momentum in your business by learning from top leaders in the industry, whether for promoting the products or the marketing plan.  Leaders know the keys to a fast start and a forever income.

Dave Wentz, former Chair of the Direct Sellers Association of America and co-author of the New York Times best selling book, The Healthy Home. Simple Truths to Protect Your Family From Hidden Household Dangers, was a speaker at a national event where we received recognition.  That event inspired us and those on our team to take action on a number of fronts to increase the number of people who could benefit from our company.

What local, national and international events are presently on your schedule for learning from other leaders?  What webinars will you be participating in this week, or,  will you be holding your own events?   Share with us so that we can all learn together.

Deanna and Dave Waters

Monday, April 16, 2012

Business Success Is Affected by these First Impressions. What works for you?

"El Gallo" Jose Antonio Rivera, three time world champion boxer, knows the importance of a first impression when facing his opponent in the ring.

His posture, facial expression and menacing stance, would all signal that he is ready to win the match and show why he is the champion.

Of course, he was sporting a vibrant smile when visiting with us lately.  In the business realm, as a leader with USANA Health Sciences, Jose always greets people with a welcoming, sincere smile in the first few seconds, which wins immediate trust and opens the door for friendly conversation.

If you only have 30 seconds to win the confidence of someone you have just met at a business, sports or social event, what else makes the difference for an effective way to introduce yourself and your business?

1.  Catch their attention.  People's minds are filled at any one time with ideas, worries, places to be, things to do.  What can you say that will startle them into attention and relate to their lives?  For example,  "Did you know that over 80% of people wish they could make extra income working from home?"

2.  Be clear on what is most critical for the person to understand.   Nobody likes to be tricked or manipulated into a decision, so you make it clear and concise.  "Well, I show them a simple, effective home-based system for creating a growing, stable source of income."

3.  What makes you and your business distinctive and compelling?  There are thousands of options in the marketplace, which makes decisions difficult.  "In fact, we have a proven training program to help people get off to a fast start and then to continue for a strong income through the years.  Would that make a difference for you or someone you know?"

You have 30 seconds to get through the clutter that cries out for a person's attention.  Make your message capture their attention,  relate to their situation and distinguish yourself from others.  That's real value in a short conversation that could lead to a long lasting business relationship.

What's working for you with first impressions?

Deanna and Dave Waters   1-204-237-8250
Success on Purpose Now!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Why Vitamin D Makes Good Business Sense, Great for Families Too

Vitamin D has been championed as one of the best sources for overall health, making it a great choice for those who want a thriving business with healthy owners and employees.

So, whether you are taking the kids for a walk in the park, or taking a 15 minute power walk as a break from business, leave off the sunscreen for that short time and absorb vitamin D from the sun.

People who are low in vitamin D are more susceptible to heart disease, several types of cancer, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, and even certain flus.  In fact, a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2007, looking at nearly 60,000 people showed a seven per cent reduction in mortality from any cause for those taking vitamin D supplements.

Everyone should have their vitamin D levels checked with their doctor and take an appropriate amount of vitamin D supplements (USANA Canadian prices).

Deanna Waters
Healthy Choices for Business and Every Day Life
How can we help you?



Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How Chocolate Can Accelerate Your Business and Protect Your Health

Whether you have a home based business, a store front, or you work for someone else, you care about the bottom line financially.  Hearing that chocolate is a possible success factor, you have to pay attention.

Recent articles have been heralding chocolate for a number of positive attributes, many of which affect our health, which ultimately affects work output and financial gain.

The latest findings from the University of California-San Diego found that the body mass index of those who ate dark chocolate five times a week, compared with those who didn't eat it regularly, was one point lower.  It seems that those who eat moderate amounts of chocolate regularly are thinner than those who don't.

So how does that go together with the fact that 66 percent of U.S. adults are overweight or obese?  With the average chocolate bar containing about 200 calories, will these findings encourage people to gobble up chocolate bars daily and create even more obesity? 

And what does that have to do with business anyway?  Well, extra pounds create greater stress on a person's heart.  A study from the Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, found that of 100,000 people, those who ate dark chocolate regularly reduced their risk of heart disease by a third.

Extra weight also wears down the joints and taps a person's energy.  That ultimately affects the bottom line in business.  Healthy people have a greater chance to be more productive throughout the day and are not sitting at home on disability payments.

The emphasis is on dark chocolate if you are dedicated to making healthy choices.  Cocoa is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory, can lower blood pressure and even improve overall vascular function.

I've always preferred milk chocolate, but I'm off to the store now to look for some dark chocolate to add to my health regime.  That would be just a few pieces a day for my overall health and to benefit our business.  

Of course, I get flavonoids from my USANA supplements as well, expecially from Proflavonal C 100.

Deanna Waters
Dedicated to Healthy Choices for Health and Business
1-204-237-8250  Leave a comment on how you'll be using chocolate in the future.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Stay on the Edge Like Patrick Chan for Greater Business Success

Patrick Chan, Men's Singles World Gold Medalist, 2011, 2012, men's singles figure skating, has been quoted as saying, "If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much space."  That describes his career so aptly, with his constant commitment to ingenuity, excellence and exploring new frontiers in his sport.

How do we measure up to those standards in the business realm with pursuing new markets, adding innovative marketing programs, perfecting customer service and so much more?  What would our businesses look like today and in the future, if we were as dedicated as Patrick Chan to be "on the edge" in creative and exciting ways?

There is a balance in following proven paths for success along with newer methods, when developing a home based business in referral marketing.  The traditional key elements would be cited in four basic steps:  1.  Open a conversation.  Ask questions and listen for areas where your product or service would add value to a person's life  2.  Set a time to discuss your proposal in detail, meeting in person to discuss in greater detail, answering questions and hopefully helping them make a positive decision.  3.  Follow up with more information as needed.  4.  Provide excellent training once they have purchased products or decided to represent your company and join your organization.

The internet has changed marketing methods dramatically, with social media outlets, online ads, skype, blogs, Twitter and so on.  You can now build international sources of income from the comfort of your home office without venturing outside the front door.

How are you keeping your business "on the edge"?  Where could you explore new frontiers and bring greater momentum and excitement?

Deanna and David Waters
Global Leaders Dedicated to Exploring New Business Possibilities
We look forward to hearing from you.
1-888-320-8250   1-204-237-8250

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Patience and Persistence Pay Off When You Work From Home

Financial freedom requires persistence, dedication, action and a lot of patience.

On a recent trip to Florida on business, I walked the beach in the morning, passing this heron, who could stand still for what seemed like forever, staring into the ocean.  What you can't see in the photo, is that straight ahead of him was a fellow throwing his line in for fish.

The heron was very patient, knowing his meal would eventually be coming in.  As soon as the fisherman began to reel in a fish, the heron headed for the shore with amazing speed and stole the catch.  He understood the power and fruitfulness of patience.  The fisherman learned that he should move to another location.

This amusing scenario reminded me to be aware of where others are successful with their business, should that be a wise move for me.  Then, be sure that no one is waiting to snatch away my rewards.  Also, both the heron and the fisherman had to be patient and persistent in their pursuit of a "customer". 

Where can you apply more patience and persistence in your business?

Deanna Waters
Success On Purpose...Now!  

Sunday, March 18, 2012

For Better Business, Take a Break to Refresh Your Mind

Nothing refreshes the mind and body from the routine of business like a brisk walk or run.

On a recent business trip to Florida, I escaped the cooler climate of home turf and thoroughly enjoyed a great way to start the day, running and walking on the beach.  Otherwise, since I work from home, I just head out our front door at any time of the day to breathe the fresh air, clear my mind and wake up my muscles with a run (or power walk) in the neighborhood.

It's easy to think we don't have time to fit in exercise, but it's as easy as running up and down the stairs at home or the office.  Park further away than normal when shopping, to get in those extra steps.  Book regular time with a personal trainer or friend first thing in the morning to get into a fitness routine.  Attend yoga or aerobics classes to be encouraged with group activity.

The benefits of physical fitness are so immense for the short and long haul, that a savvy business person can't afford to ignore this aspect of health.  Strengthen your immune system, restore your mind, build stronger muscles and bones, create greater happiness.

What will you do today for a refreshing fitness break?

Deanna Waters
Dedicated to Inspiring Healthy Choices


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Important Events Boost Your Business, Increase Your Power

Your commitment to take in important corporate events, educational webinars and local business functions, will most certainly move you forward in the business world.

We're pictured here with Dan Macuga, USANA Chief Marketing Officer, head of a brilliant management team that organizes a variety of events to inform and inspire.   In this case, our confidence reached new heights as we met Dr. Mehmet Oz, famous cardiovascular surgeon and television host, at a reception prior to the Health and Happiness Summit at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.

Each of the speakers, including Dr. Myron Wentz, PhD, Founder of USANA and Dave Wentz, USANA CEO, increased our knowledge in the wellness industry.   We take every opportunity to be around business leaders, to swap ideas and to encourage one another in this exciting journey.

Attendance at important events creates Success on Purpose...Now!

Dave and Deanna Waters



Saturday, March 10, 2012

Montel Williams Inspires at Health and Happiness Summit

Montel Williams, popular television personality, inspired the audience at the recent Health and Happiness Summit in New York City, with the question we should all ask ourselves at the end of the day, "What did I do today that's worth talking about tomorrow?"

He suggested writing three successful things down that you did that day and then say them out loud the next morning to start your day out for success.

Great idea that requires some discipline in a daily journal, and then log what a difference that makes in your life.

Dave and Deanna Waters
Dedicated to Success On Purpose
Join us; 1-888-320-8250  


Monday, March 5, 2012

#New York, Everywhere, Filled with Prospects

On a business trip to New York, visiting Times Square, we were keenly aware that everywhere we went, there were potential customers for our home based business.  In that city alone, we would never run out of people to speak with, especially since the city is teeming with visitors from other states and countries.  When you have a global business, the opportunities for growth are limitless, but the challenge is to strike up meaningful conversations that could lead to potential business.

We often use a rendition of the standard FORM system, creating a conversation that inquires about a person's Family, Business Organization, Recreational interests and Money (openness to other streams of income).  Being in the health industry, we also find ways to inquire about their concern for staying healthy or for addressing health issues.

When they ask what we do, we can then answer according to what we've just learned.  For example, "Well, you know how you mentioned that you don't have enough time for your family?  Well, what we do is help busy business people create ongoing, residual income, to free up their time."

Or another example might be, "You mentioned your concern about the economic downturn and the resulting ceiling on your income.  What we do is help people create multiple streams of income, without interfering with their present jobs, so that the economy is not a concern."

We struck up a conversation with a fellow in the Delta airport lounge, and in the course of that, the lady sitting next to him asked for information too.  Most everyone is open to developing additional income sources.

For information on multiple streams of income:
Deanna and Dave Waters

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#Winnipeg #Art Alexander If You're Stuck, Be Vulnerable

It's common for business owners to be concerned that they are "stuck" in a neutral pattern, or worse, declining with the bottom line.

Art Alexander, a very entertaining motivational speaker with the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, suggested at a recent luncheon, to listen to your inner self.  Consider your business in terms of traffic lights.  Are you spending at least 70 percent of your time in the "green light" mode, loving what you do and doing what you love?  Or are you holding back your efforts with a yellow light, or even stopped on red, missing the excitement of creating new business?

Happiness comes from the inside out, Art stressed.  You need to look at yourself in the mirror and like yourself, much like that little girl in the recent commercial, where she repeats, "I like myself.  I like my hair.  I like my nose.  I like myself!"  Your inner happiness and comfort with yourself affects your business results.

A second proposal was to be vulnerable, which creates honest, growing relationships, resulting in repeat customers and a healthy business.

Deanna Waters
Have Success On Purpose Now!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

@USANA Snags 10 Highest Honors at AVA Awards

USANA continues its award winning reputation this year, following a superior 2011 with 45 awards in multiple categories and competitions.

The AVA Awards is an international competition that recognizes outstanding work by creative professionals involved in the concept, direction, design and production of media.  USANA submitted 10 entries and were recognized for all of them with the highest honors.

Platinum Award winners are recognized for their excellence in terms of quality, creativity and resourcefulness.  Half of USANA's entries went platinum.

The other half of our submissions received Gold Awards, which are presented to entries that exceed the high standards of the industry norm.

Read the list of awards at

"USANA Accolades: Awards Season Year-Round for USANA"

To begin the year, USANA received top honors from the 2011 MLM Insider awards, getting the company off to a great start in topping the awards from 2011.

It's a privilege to represent such a stellar company.

Deanna and Dave Waters
Taking you to the top for a healthier, wealthier life.
Call 1-888-320-8250  

Friday, January 27, 2012

Four Reasons Why People Say Yes

When you are presenting your products, services or business opportunity to someone, wouldn't it be nice to know why they might give you a positive response?

For example, if you were the owner of a rock climbing wall, why would someone climb four stories high when they haven't done it before?  Well, for me, it was the challenge to see what I could accomplish, the adventure and the benefit of success.

There are probably hundreds of reasons a person might say yes to your sales presentation, but consider these four reasons to include in your presentation:

1.   Benefits. No matter how impressive your third party accolades are, or what nice packaging you have, or how you rank in the marketplace, they are thinking, "What's in it for me?"  "How can this make a difference to my life?"  Preface whatever you say, whether verbally or in your mind,  with "and what this means for you, is....."  Point out each benefit for them personally in a compelling way, ending with, "Would that be important for you?"  Get enough yes responses, and you have a sale.

2.  Solutions. You are a problem solver, so determine what a person really needs and wants, and whether they have something that is holding them back.  Help them discover how what you have to offer solves the problem and offers a high return.

3.  Stories.  Facts tell and stories sell, so share how your products or opportunity have helped you and others.  Don't embellish; just share the stories honestly with enthusiasm.

4.  Love and Integrity.  Underlying needs are what compel all of us to buy something.  For instance, we buy love, security, wealth, happiness, better health and well being, self esteem, acceptance, success, freedom, friendship, status, self fulfillment.  Above all, we want to feel good about what we buy and feel secure that our decision was based on integrity and honesty.

There are many more reasons why a person would say yes, but in general, when you concentrate on helping others benefit, you will generate a more positive response and relationship.

Deanna and Dave Waters
Please call us:  USANA Diamond Directors
Dedicated to Healthy, Abundant Living

Monday, January 16, 2012

USANA Announces Events Including Dr. Mehmet Oz, Television Host and Author

Strategic relationships in business are extremely important for stability and momentous growth.  With the recent announcement that Dr. Mehmet Oz, author of six New York Times best selling books and host of popular international television and radio programs, is including Dr. Myron Wentz and Dave Wentz in a Health and Happiness Summit in New York, is very exciting.

Dr. Oz hosts the event, Saturday, February 25 at the Radio City Music Hall, in New York, for the first annual Health and Happiness Summit from 2 - 5:30 p.m.  

An audience of 6,000 people will be treated to talks by Dr. Oz, Dr. Myron Wentz, PhD, and Dave Wentz, authors of The Healthy Home New York Times best selling book, Dr. Christiane Northrup, also a New York Times best selling author, plus a phenomenal list of other top experts addressing such issues as the sacredness of nutrition, major things holding you back, managing stress and how to transform your health.  

This event will center on giving people the power to control their own lives. Dr. Oz will be publicizing the Festival on his broadcast programs, plus online.  For tickets, go to:

Dr. Oz will also be a keynote speaker at USANA's International Convention at Salt Lake City, in August, 2012 to celebrate the company's 20th anniversary.  We have passes for the International Convention, so if you plan to attend, call us immediately to reserve a pass.

Deanna and Dave Waters
USANA Diamond Directors
Make this your year to take control of your life.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Leadership is the Road to Realized Dreams. Are you Ready to Take Charge?

Stretch and Grow, or Status Quo.  What does it cost when you stand still in life or with your home based business?  Who else loses out? 

If your business is standing still, this is the best time to spread your wings and venture into new territory.  You never know how far you can fly until you jump out of the nest and soar.

When you take responsibility as the leader of your own referral networking business, here are a few ways to stretch and grow:

Take charge.  Write out your passion, your goals, your strategy and what differentiates you from others.  Put that into defined action.

Push past your fears.  Turn fear into fun, challenging yourself to make the calls, follow up, and help others discover the benefits of what you have to offer.  Reward yourself for receiving a "yes" or a "no".  A no can mean "not now" or "I need to know more" and can turn into a yes later.

Bring value to others.  Learn to ask probing questions, and then to bring added value.  Go beyond what people expect.  Keep your promises.

Walk the talk.  Dress and speak professionally.  Be healthy and fit.  Believe passionately in your products and opportunity.  Have fun.  People like to run with winners and with strong leaders.

Sell a Vision.  Inspire others to think beyond today and to believe they can achieve their dreams.  What do they want today, five and twenty years from now for their lives and their finances?  Will they be able to take their grandchildren to Disneyworld?  Do they want to escape the corporate environment and work in their jeans from home, free to help their family and friends when needed?
When you take responsibility to be a leader, you will change hundreds and thousands of lives for the better.  You'll encourage others to be leaders too, and together, you'll change the world, one person at a time. 

Leadership is the Road to Realized Dreams.  Stretch and Grow Every Day!

Deanna and Dave Waters
USANA Global Leaders Committed to Helping you Realize your Dreams
Free Consultation: 1-204-237-8250